Data Management - GastonBC/adeskForgeWrapper GitHub Wiki

Guides for afw's Data Management module - afw.DM

Explore your hubs and projects

import adeskForgeWrapper as afw

cli = afw.client.Client(forgeCliId, forgeCliSec, B360AccId, B360AccName)
token = afw.client.Token.get_2_legged_token("data:read", cli)

# Here we get the hubs from our account
hubs = afw.datamgt.Hub.get_hubs(token)

# Let's print some information
for hub in hubs:

    # Let's also print name and ids for our projects
    projectList = hub.get_projects(token)
    for project in projectList:

Retrieve the folders

# Keep your ids at hand so you don't have to request them again and put them here
project = afw.datamgt.Project.project_by_id(token, "HUB_ID", "PROJECT_ID")

folders = project.top_folders(token)

for folder in folders:

Get the content information

To explore the folder contents you may need a 3 legged token

# Folder to look into
folder = afw.datamgt.Folder.folder_by_id(token, "PROJECT_ID", "FOLDER_ID")

# Contents may be folders, items or versions
contents = folder.get_contents(token)
for content in contents:
    print(, content.createTime)