Getting Started with AntLog - GaryA/antlog GitHub Wiki

Admin Account

AntLog ships with a default administrator (event organiser) account.
Username: admin
Password: admin
The administrator account is not linked to a team nor to any robots. Hence the event organiser will typically have his own team account in addition to access to the admin account.

User Accounts

User accounts are teams in the context of an AWS. Each team (user) can be created by a straightforward sign-up form. Robots can only be added to an existing team, so it's important that all teams are created. To ease future integration with the RobotWars101 forum it is suggested that the username selected is the same as the user's forum name. Each user account includes a separate team name. At an event, all user passwords are set to password (except for accounts created at the event).


Admin and user passwords can be changed by clicking the reset password link on the login page. Since AntLog is designed to be run on a local server without the ability to send email the password reset link is stored in a file. The file will be stored in C:\xampp\antlog\runtime\username-password-reset.txt (where "username" is replaced by the name of the user requesting the password reset).


Robots can be created by the administrator or by teams themselves. The administrator can create robots for any team but each team can only create their own robots. Robots are not automatically entered into events, hence a team may have any number of robots, but enter only a subset into any one event. The AntLog database can store results from several events so robots cannot be deleted if they exist in the results of a previous event. However, robots can be 'retired' so that they cannot be selected for new events, but they still exist as part of a team and appear in any previous event results.


Events can be created and managed by users, but can only be run by the administrator. Events can be viewed by users and guests to see entrants, fights and results. The AntLog database is designed to contain several events; it is possible to run several competitions concurrently.