Week 2 Ends here... - GarvitaSharma/Learn-It-Girl-Project GitHub Wiki

So as the week 2 ends here, I proudly can say that I no longer use Git guides to commit files. I just create file, copy my code and commit. and yeah its that easy and not something encrypted.. ;p

Coming to Java, I wrote my first program displaying Hello World and it was successful. I was waiting for my second program from my mentor and she has high hopes from me. I was expecting some displaying stars pattern or some thing like that but this is what I got. " To choose a random number between 1 to 100. Ask the user to make 5 guesses and then if the user guesses the number, user wins, else the program wins." I tried, looking for syntaxes and packages to be imported but at the end managed to pull it off. It worked.

As for the next week, I just expect some more programming assignments and then I guess we can start thinking about project and planning the blueprint and start coding in that direction.