NASBA CPA Preparations Exam Hacks and Solutions - Garudaqq/NASBA GitHub Wiki

Are you are taking a professional course? We know preparing for an examination is one of the most annoying or difficult things for most people. The truth of the matter is - no matter how much time one has to prepare for an examination, it never seems to be enough.

Hack NASBA CPA - NASBA CPA Exam Hacks How to prepare for NASBA CPA Exam - 5 Essential CPA Exam Study Tips

There is no denying the fact that, studying is hard work! This is especially when it comes to the board of accountancy CPA Exam, old study habits that worked in college–like last-minute “cramming” or all-nighters–simply won’t cut it. Preparing for the uniform CPA examination requires deliberate effort.To ensure you are relaxed and prepared (and also have enough rest) on Exam Day, follow these 5 essential CPA Exam study tips.

1. Stick to a Serious and Reasonable Plan: This is easier said than done, especially if you’re not the type who lives by a schedule. However, making a study plan and sticking to it is one of the most effective way to prepare for the CPA exam, and for good reason–it works. Start preparing as early as you can, make sure you cover your material in time.

2. Keep Everything Short: We tend to absorb information at the early and end of study periods. It is more advisable to study when you are more like to absorb more information. Usually at the beginning and end of each study session. That is why our short lessons are structured as they are. Studying in 30-45 minute increments, with short breaks in-between improves our problem solving abilities. The longer the session, the more likely you are to forget.

3. Change Your Location: Those who have passed the CPA exam usually advise we should change your location from time to time – move around as much as you can. You can go from the library to the a restaurant or coffee show or your closet table. This will make your brain make new connections with the study material, which will help with information recall later. Just make sure your study locations are clean, bright or well-lit, and quiet enough to get maximum concentration!

4. Try Not to Always Study Alone: You should try to avoid studying alone as much as possible. Even if you can find a study group, keep in mind that there is an abundance of resources available to you. This includes online forums where you can get great CPA Exam study tips from people who have actually taken the exam. Make good use of every opportunity you have.

5. Take Care of Yourself: It is totally pointless to spend weeks or even months preparing for the CPA exam only to stay up the whole night prior cramming or worrying. You must ensure you get enough rest and feed properly the morning before the exam. If you’re a nervous wreck, get in a nice workout to burn off the stress. It’ll help you sleep.But above all, find what works for you and do it! No two people study alike, but as long as you follow these CPA Exam study tips (and stick to #1 – your study plan!) you can be rest assured you will pass the exam well within the testing window.

Get NASBA CPA Examination Questions and Answers

Access examination question (and answers) early! Get as much useful content as you can get. Having access to examination questions and answers or interview questions beforehand will enable you prepare accordingly. It will also increase your chances of passing the examination once and in flying colors. As a matter of fact, it is almost impossible to fail the NASBA CPA examination if you have access to the examination questions and answers for now. Once you finish making notes & revising, you should try to do loads of past papers.

I basically advise to complete them under exam conditions, mark them, look at where you went wrong and make a note of it. Then, before you begin a new past paper, try to read over all the previous mistakes made to make sure you don't repeat them. There are quite a number of past papers available, so you can plan on doing each past paper 2-3 times.

This is a well trusted advice that has stood the test of time. Some students even use this method outside of auditing attestation and have also achieved similar results. And since this examination is a prerequisite to CPA license, it is worth preparing for. I would like to share three Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) tips to keep in mind as you prepare for the CPA Exam;

  1. When looking at the exam questions, reading a last sentence first can save you a lot of time.
  2. Make sure that you look at all of the answer choices for a problem before making your final decision.
  3. Lastly, when you struggle to come up with an answer, I recommend you try working backwards from the choices.

I failed NASBA CPA, what next?

There are times when everything else seems to fail, you don't have enough time to prepare for the examination or you don't have access to the examination questions and answers before writing the examination. And when the results get released, you realize you have flunked the examination. The good news however is that, that is not the end of the world. You can get it all fixed with Wiztechie - [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the passing score for CPA exam? CPA Score Scale and Passing Scores. Each section of the exam is scored on a scale of 0 to 99. Candidates must get a score of 75 in order to pass a section. It's important to understand a 75 percent or a C+ grade is not equivalent to a passing score. You must achieve at least 75 points in order to pass. NASBA puts the scores into the National Candidate Database, announces a release of scores, and sends the exam results to each state boards. Please visit your portal

CONCLUSION - Have you failed the NASBA CPA examination, and you need help? Do you need help preparing for your NASBA CPA examination? Do you need NASBA CPA examination questions and answers? Contact - WIZTECHIE ([email protected])