Feature List - GaronSmith/syncUP GitHub Wiki

MVP - Minimum viable product

1. Live Application

  • Application hosted on Heroku

2. User Account

  • Users can create a new account
  • Users can sign in to existing account
  • Users can log out
  • Application features only accessible to logged in users
    • Logged in users can join public groups.
    • Logged in users can request to join private groups.
  • Application pre-populated with a demo user account

3. Groups

  • A group can be created by a registered user.
  • The group owner controls the settings of the group.
  • The group owner can approve requests to join private groups.
  • Groups hold the details of events.

4. Events

  • An event can be created by a member of a group.
  • The group owner and the event owner can both edit/delete the event.
  • An event has tags for filtering search results.
  • Events show the attending participants on the page.

5. Profile

  • A registered user can see their basic profile information. (Name, Email, Location, Picture.)
  • A registered user can see all of the groups that they own, and administrate them.
  • A registered user can see all of the events that they own, and moderate them.
  • A registered user can see all of the events and groups that they are a part of, and leave them.

6. Search

  • A user can filter results of an event based on the name of the event and tags.
  • When creating an event, a user can add tags to the event to help narrow down searches.

7. Production README

  • Brief explanation of what the app is and does
  • Link to live site
  • Link to wiki docs
  • Discussion of technologies used
  • Discussion of two features that show off developer's technical abilities
  • Discussion of both challenges faced and the solution found to solve them
  • Code snippets to highlight the best code

Stretch Goals

1. Map API

  • We would like to incorporate some kind of map API into the project. Googlemaps or Openlayers likely.
    • This would be used to zero in on location for events, with 'x-miles' search results.

2. Oauth

  • We would like to incorporate OAuth into the project, as an alternate way to log in.
    • Google, Discord, Facebook, etc...

3. Message Boards

  • We would like to incorporate message boards on both the Group's page, and the Event's pages.