MVP Feature List - GaronSmith/marvelous-movies GitHub Wiki
1. Hosting on Heroku
- Hosted on a live link that never sleeps
2. Landing Page
- (not logged in) ability to login/register
- (not logged in) Table of top/most recent rated movies
- (logged in) feed of movie mates actions
- Users can view a feed of other users actions (watched, wants to watch, partially watched) on the homepage
3. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login
- Users can sign up, sign in, log out
- Users can use a demo login to try the site
- Users can't use certain features without logging in (creating shelves)
4. Individual movie profile
- All visitors can view
- Description of movie
- Key contributors (director, Starring, etc)
- Average Rating & reviews
5 Movie Ratings
- Users can review movies
- The average rating is displayed for each movie
6.Blockbuster Shelves
- Users can create blockbuster shelves
- Logged in users can edit existing blockbuster shelves
7. Dashboard and Profile
- Users have a public profile of their own blockbuster shelves
- Bio
8. Production README
- Brief explanation of what the app is and does
- How to start development environment
- Technologies used
- Link to live site
- Link to Wiki docs
- Discussion of two features that show off the team's technical abilities
- Discussion of both challenges faced and the way the team solved them
- Code snippets to highlight the best code
9. Bonus - Movie Search
- By title and by Genre
- Search by 'Users watched'
10. Bonus - Search Users
- Users can search for other users through text to see that user's profile