API Documentation - GaronSmith/marvelous-movies GitHub Wiki

API Documentation


  • Users
  • Movies
  • Reviews
  • Ratings(working on)
  • Actions(not started)[things like 'want to read' and 'watched']


Endpoints for the Users resource:

  • Log In ** POST /api/login
  • Sign Up ** POST /api/users
  • Log Out ** DELETE /api/logout
  • Retrieve Single User ** GET /api/users/:id

#Log In

###Logs in an existing user

  • POST /api/login

Body Parameters

| Parameter Type | Description | Notes |

email string | email of the user logging in | required

password string | password of the user logging in | required


Returns a current user object if successful and sets an HTTP-only auth cookie, and returns an error otherwise.

Sign Up

Creates a new user

  • POST /api/users

Body Parameters

| Parameter Type | Description | Notes

username string | Desired username of the new user | required

email string | Desired email of the new user | required

password string | Desired password of the new user | required

confirmPassword string | Repeated password of the new user | required, same as password


Returns a current user object if successful and sets an HTTP-only auth cookie, and returns an error otherwise.

Log Out

Logs out the current user, requires authentication with a cookie

  • DELETE /api/logout


Returns a success message and remove the HTTP-only auth cookie if successful, and returns an error otherwise.

Retrieve Single User

  • GET /api/users/:id

Path Parameters

| Parameter Type | Description | Notes |

| id ID | id of the user | required |


Returns a user object if successful, and returns an error otherwise.

Movie Endpoints:

  • Retrieve All Movies

** GET /api/movies

  • Retrieve a Single Movie

** GET /api/movies/:id

Retrieve All Movies

retrieves all movies

*GET /api/movies

Query Parameters Filters

| Parameter Type | Description | Notes |

limit number | limit of how many movies can be retrieved at one time optional, default of 20, max of 100 cursor number a cursor for use in pagination, starting point of the list returned | optional

genre filter | allows user to filter films by specified genre | optional

rating filter | allows user to filter by star rating | optional


Returns an array of movies objects if successful, and returns an error otherwise

Retrieve a Single movie

Retrieves a single movie with the specified id

  • GET /api/movies/:id

Path Parameters

|Parameter Type | Description |Notes|

id ID | id of the movie to retrieve |required


Returns a movie object if successful, and returns an error otherwise.


Endpoints for the Reviews resource:

  • Review a movie

** POST /api/movies/:id/reviews

  • Remove review -

** DELETE /api/movies/:id/reviews

Review a movie

POST /api/movies/:id/reviews

Path Parameters

|Parameter Type | Description | Notes |

Id ID | id of the movie to review | required


Returns the movie review as a movie object with the review key set to the value passed in if successful, and returns an error otherwise.

Delete review

  • DELETE /api/movies/:id/reviews

Path Parameters

| Parameter Type | Description | Notes |

id ID | id of the movie to remove review | required |


Returns the movie with no review as a movie object with the review key removed if successful, and returns an error otherwise.

Rating endpoints