Privacy Policy - Garliyard/Garliyard GitHub Wiki

Garliyard Privacy Policy

This Document

This document serves to tell the users about how their data is used on the official Garliyard Website.


UK and EU law require that websites that use cookies (that is, most websites) provide information to users about those cookies.

Garliyard may at times store cookies in your browser's session data to remember the logged in user.
It is suggested that the end user enables cookies for comparability with our website.


Garliyard currently uses Google Anaytics for basic view tracking.

It is suggested that the end user downloads the official google analytics opt-out plugin for their browser if the end user wishes to not be apart of the analytics data. If you also have an ad-blocker installed, the analytics script is already blocked.

Usage of IP Addresses

Garliyard may store the end user's IP Address as means of a countermeasure against malicious or suspicious activity.

Please see the Terms of Service section about malicious activity on how this is used for clarification.


Garliyard or its developers will not disclose any form of data that is deemed private to any organization or individual entity unless legally inclined to do so, but however may count the amount as a collective sum anonymously for usage on our homepage.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • User Interaction Activity
  • User Balances
  • User Addresses