Liability - Garliyard/Garliyard GitHub Wiki

Garliyard Liability Disclaimer


Garliyard is an open source wallet system for Garlicoin that tries to focus on simplicity, security, ease of use and performance. It's source code can be found here on GitHub for all to peer review, suggest change proposals, or clone for own personal use.

This Document

This document is to serve as a legal disclaimer in the event that a catastrophic event occurs to the infrastructure of which Garliyard runs on.

This includes but is not limited to

  • Security breaches
  • User's personal loss of funds
  • Development Issues of the project/software development bugs caught in the wild.

Development Process

The development process of garliyard is straightforward, and that all changes are tested in good faith of the new features being stable in development, can be rendered sufficient enough to serve in a production environment.


Giarliyard was created as an experimental project, and is still rendered as such.

In the event of the conditions described as above: The developers, maintainers, contributors, and operators are to not be held liable for any personal damages or loss related to the Garlicoin Cryptocurrency.

The Notification Process

In the event that a catastrophic event occurs to our infrastructure, the homepage of the website will be modified to display a warning in a red background with a description of the event.

An issue will be formed in the source code's repository for open discussion, thoughts and actions of the operators to attempt to mitigate the catastrophic event and its damages if possible to restore user balances.

A footnote

Cryptocurrency itself as a currency involves risk - Please invest responsibly, and store trust in those that you deem credible. You should take to every service including Garliyard with caution, and only invest what you're prepared to lose in the event that something does go unexpectedly.