Encryption - Garliyard/Garliyard GitHub Wiki

This is a brief document to explain a few cryptographic features on Garliyard.

What are passwords hashed with?

Passwords are hashed with the bcrypt function.

bcrypt is a password hashing function designed by Niels Provos and David Mazières, based on the Blowfish cipher, and presented at USENIX in 1999. Besides incorporating a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks, bcrypt is an adaptive function: over time, the iteration count can be increased to make it slower, so it remains resistant to brute-force search attacks even with increasing computation power.

It's an ideal practice, one of the most common and trusted methods to use in password hashing.

Symmetric encryption

Garliyard is written in the Laravel MVC framework, which in the Illuminate\Crypt Facade, passwords are enccrypted using AES-256-CBC + SHA256 HMAC to ensure the encrypted data isn't modified.