D4CD_NUMBER - Gargy007/D4CD GitHub Wiki

D4CD_NUMBER object is defined to show and set the number with/without decimal point. The number object is using pre/post texts like D4CD_LABEL to simplify creating the application screen with this object.


  • (red - pretext, green - number, blue - post text)



D4CD_DECLARE_LIST_BOX_BEGIN(name, preText, postText, x, y, cx, flags, pUser, pOnValch, pOnUsrMsg)

  • name - name of object
  • preText - pointer to text that is printed before list box item
  • postText - pointer to text that is printed after list box item
  • x,y - coordination of list box
  • cx - full length of list box object
  • flags - system flags of object
  • pUser - user data/pointer
  • pOnValch - pointer on pOnValch function
  • pOnUsrMsg - pointer on user message function

API functions

Function that sets value of number object in runtime.

void D4CD_NumberSetValue(D4CD_OBJECT_PTR pThis, D4CD_NUMBER_VALUE value)

Function that changes the value of number object in runtime.

void D4CD_NumberChangeValue(D4CD_OBJECT_PTR pThis, sWord incr)

Function that gets value of number object in runtime.


Function that set the limits of number object.

void D4CD_NumberSetLimits(D4CD_OBJECT_PTR pThis, D4CD_NUMBER_LIMITS* pLimits)