Exporting materials - Gargaj/Foxotron GitHub Wiki

Exporting materials

Foxotron currently supports two shading models: A modern, physically based (PBR) one, and a classic Phong-based "specgloss" one.

Physically based

Foxotron supports the following common map types:

  • Albedo
  • Roughness
  • Metallic
  • Normal
  • Emissive
  • AO (Ambient Occlusion)

Exporting PBR from Blender

You can export some of the above mentioned maps from Blender by setting your material up as a Principled BSDF shader like so:


Note that Blender's BSDF doesn't currently support AO maps.

Exporting PBR from 3ds max

You can export some of the above mentioned maps from 3ds max by setting your material up a Physical Material in the Slate material editor like so:


SpecGloss / Phong

Foxotron supports the following common map types:

  • Ambient
  • Diffuse
  • Specular
  • Emissive
  • Normal

Exporting Phong from Blender

You can export some of the above mentioned maps from Blender by setting your material up as a Principled BSDF or Specular shader like so:


"Base Color" is your Diffuse channel; Blender doesn't currently support an Ambient map.

Exporting Phong from 3ds max

You can export some of the above mentioned maps from 3ds max by setting your material up a Standard material in the Slate material editor like so:
