Sprint 2 - GarduinoTeam/garduino GitHub Wiki

Sprint planning

  • Planning Methodology:
  • Second Sprint Tasks:

Daily Meetings

Daily Meeting: 04-11-2019

Assistant Role
Adrià Casals Developer
David Sarrat Developer
Gerard Donaire Developer & Scrum Master
Joan Pau Castells Developer
Roger Truchero Developer


Type Description Owner Deadline
T Android Learning Fragments Gerard Donaire & Adrià Casals 05-11-19
I Webservice Technology Analyze Roger Truchero & David Sarrat & Joan Pau Castells 07-11-19

Daily Meeting: 05-11-2019


Type Description Owner Deadline
T Android Learning Dialogs Gerard Donaire & Adrià Casals 07-11-19
I Webservice Technology Analyze Roger Truchero & David Sarrat & Joan Pau Castells 07-11-19

Daily Meeting: 10-11-2019


Type Description Owner Deadline
T Technical Document: Requirements - Product backlog – Sprint backlog Gerard Donaire & David Sarrat 18-11-19
T Webservice Implementation & Database Roger Truchero & Joan Pau Castells 26-11-19
T Frontend Implementation Adrià Casals 26-11-19

Daily Meeting: 11-11-2019


Type Description Owner Deadline
T Technical Document: : Requirements - Product backlog – Sprint backlog Gerard Donaire & David Sarrat 18-11-19
T Pop Ups Android App Gerard Donaire 18-11-19
T Webservice Implementation & Database Roger Truchero & Joan Pau Castells 26-11-19
T Frontend Implementation Adrià Casals 26-11-19

Daily Meeting: 12-11-2019


Type Description Owner Deadline
T Technical Document: Requirements - Product backlog – Sprint backlog Gerard Donaire & David Sarrat 18-11-19
T Pop Ups Android App Gerard Donaire 18-11-19
T Webservice & Database Implementation Roger Truchero & Joan Pau Castells 26-11-19
T Frontend Implementation Adrià Casals 26-11-19

Daily Meeting: 18-11-2019


Type Description Owner Deadline
T Technical Document: Main use cases & database model Gerard Donaire & David Sarrat 20-11-19
T Webservice & Database Implementation Roger Truchero & Joan Pau Castells 26-11-19
T Frontend Implementation Adrià Casals 26-11-19

Daily Meeting: 19-11-2019


Type Description Owner Deadline
T Technical Document: Main use cases & database model Gerard Donaire & David Sarrat 20-11-19
T Webservice & Database Implementation Roger Truchero & Joan Pau Castells 26-11-19
T Frontend Implementation Adrià Casals 23-11-19

Daily Meeting: 20-11-2019


Type Description Owner Deadline
T Technical Document: Main use cases & database model Gerard Donaire & David Sarrat 20-11-19
T Webservice & Database Implementation Roger Truchero & Joan Pau Castells 26-11-19
T Frontend Implementation Adrià Casals 26-11-19

Daily Meeting: 25-11-2019


Type Description Owner Deadline
T Technical Document: Presentation Document Gerard Donaire & David Sarrat 26-11-19
T Api Backend Documentation Roger Truchero 26-11-19
T Webservice & Database Implementation Joan Pau Castells 26-11-19
T Frontend Implementation Adrià Casals 26-11-19

Daily Meeting: 26-11-2019


Type Description Owner Deadline
T Technical Document: Presentation Document Gerard Donaire & David Sarrat 26-11-19
T Api Backend Documentation Roger Truchero 26-11-19
T Webservice & Database Implementation Joan Pau Castells 26-11-19
T Frontend Implementation Adrià Casals 26-11-19

T: Task D: Decision I: Information

Sprint Review Title (03-12-2019)

Work Scheduled/Performed

Action Completed
Pass Android screen to ListView timeCondition Rules [No]
Implement list, creation, modify and delete functions for conditions [No]
Pop Ups Android [Yes]
Software Installation [Yes]
.metadata deleted and User, Condition, SensorType crud operations [Yes]
Implement DataBase Class [Yes]
Configure DataSource [Yes]
Configure WildFly to JBOSS [Yes]
Create DB schema and tables [Yes]
Create, modify, delete and list Admin users [Yes]
Create, modify, delete and list Admin devices [Yes]
Documentation Sprint2 [Yes]
Arduino budget Analysis [Yes]
Prepare the slides and the presentation [Yes]
Create, modify, delete and list Admin Rules [Yes]
Define Operations Api Rest [Yes]
Api Rest Implementation [Yes]
Api documentation backend [Yes]
Frontend Screens and functionalities [Yes]

Burn-down Graph


Burn-up (Velocity) Graph


Sprint Retrospective (03-12-2019)

Assistant Role
Adrià Casals Developer
David Sarrat Developer
Gerard Donaire Scrum Master & Developer
Joan Pau Castells Developer
Roger Truchero Developer

Retrospective Overview

Team Member Issue Found
Development Differences in the backend and frontend versions
Development Technical problems in the task of assigning issues in Zenhub
Development Not all the use cases could be developed in time
Development Lack on knowledge on how to connect backend and frontend
Development Lack of an appealing design for the frontend
Management Not having the hardware pieces delivered

Restrospective Actions

Action Description
Fixing the backend and frontend version differences Properly setting up the appropriate working environments
Fixing the problems in the task assignations Doing the assignation in Github issues instead
Development of the remaining use cases Planification of the development of the remaining use cases in the scope of the future sprint
Backend and frontend connection Investigation and development of a solution in this regard
Frontend design Found an available online design template for the frontend part of the project
Hardware delivery Negotiated a solution with a specific budget for the order

Next Sprint Team Organization

Assistant Role
Adrià Casals Developer
Gerard Donaire Developer
Roger Truchero Developer
Joan Pau Castells Developer
David Sarrat Scrum Master & Developer