Verix Selbot with Heroku - Garcia1008/Heroku-Tutorial GitHub Wiki

Welcome to Heroku-Tutorial

(Made for )!

First you need to create an account for Heroku and GitHub

You will need your token for instructions how to get your token click here. If you are in a phone check Grok Leraning in Discord

Once you create both accounts request the desktop page if you are in a phone (Heroku and GitHub)

Go to Verix/Selfbot Repository and click on Fork IMPORTANT (Anything will happen just make sure you click it)

Selfbot setup tutorial with Heroku

How to connect Heroku to GitHub

Create an account in Heroku First Step

Then go to the Heroku Dashbord

Create a Personal App

Give it a Name

One you have have a name to the app. Create it, and go to the settings tab and set the Key = TOKEN and Value = Your_Token Screenshot

In VALUE you need to paste the token you get from Discord

Then go to the deploy tab and connect to GitHub Screenshot

If you made everything correctly in the search bar type Self and search for it. Then it will appear your_name/selfbot then over there click connect Screenshot

When you have connect click on Automatic Deploy and then scroll down a little and click Manual Deploy Screenshot If everything is done correctly a green tick should appear at the end

This step is obligatory if you want the selfbot to be always online without a pc Go to the Resources Tab and active the worker/master Click on the pencil. Then active it.

For a image explanation click Here


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