Development Environment - Garasje-folka/bartstua GitHub Wiki


  1. Install git
  2. Download and install Firebase CLI:
  3. Globalli install yarn package manager with npm install -g yarn. (yarn package manager)
  4. Clone project with git to a local folder
  5. Open project folder with the terminal
  6. Run yarn
  7. Run yarn start
  8. Open new terminal in project folder while previous command is running.
  9. Run yarn emulators in the new terminal
  10. If everything went right, the project should be up and running!



Installs all dependencies needed for the project.

yarn start

Starts the development server for the website.

yarn emulators or yarn emu

Installs dependencies and builds Cloud Functions. When finished, starts Firebase Emulators

yarn build-functions

Builds Cloud Functions. Used to update Cloud Functions while running emulators or before deploying Cloud Functions.

yarn install-functions

Installs dependencies Cloud Functions.

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