Zombies wearing head torches - GarageMan/Setting-up-a-DayZ-server GitHub Wiki
Unexpected lights during night time makes the game much more interesting! I have "enabled" the Zombies to wear (working, the 9V battery will be attached automaticaly) white and red looming head torches (10% chance) - it looks amazing from a distance when the Zs are walking randomly through cities :-)
Thought: I have installed the workshop HeadtorchHeadgear which may be needed. I recognized that Zs are not wearing the headtights if not using that workshop. Test it by your self. ;-)
Just extend the cfgramdompresets.xml by the following snipet:
<!-- Zomby Headtorches added by Garageman -->
<attachments chance="0.10" name="Zmb_headtorch">
<item name="Headtorch_Black" chance="0.50" />
<item name="Headtorch_Grey" chance="0.50" />
<!-- Zomby Headtorches end -->
Change the Zombies preset in the file cfgspawnabletypes.xml: (Add that line to any Zmb-preset you want to be able to wear a head torch by random)
<attachments preset="Zmb_headtorch" /> <!-- added by Garageman -->