Tools - GarageMan/Setting-up-a-DayZ-server GitHub Wiki
If you need RCON-access to your DayZ server (e.g., CFtools), you have to have a file called BEServer_x64.cfg
in the folder battleye
(normally located under profiles
, config
, or in the root directory (depending on your server's configuration).

That folder contains at least the dll called BSEServer_x64.dll

If the required file BEServer_x64.cfg
does not exist, you have to create it:
RConPassword Your_choosen_RCON_Password
RestrictRCon 0
RConPort 12345
Soure: TheGamingChef on YT
To test, or execute RCON connands, you may use the tool MisCON by Chris Sprance, or DaRT by DomiStyle.
Do you own a game on a different platform than Steam (Like GOG or the Epic Games Store), and you always wanted to use mods from the Steam workshop? WorkshopDL allows you to download mods from the Steam workshop for free! It currently supports more than 1000+ games!
WorkshopDL by imwaitingnow.
That workshop is a fork of by fidget77. (1 to multiple files at the same time!)
My recommendation for an editor (XML, JSON, CPP, C, etc.) is the wellknown Notepad++. It's free of charge, but you should consider a donationto the author Don Hu.
Notepad++ is my favorit tool for editing xml, json, etc. files. It makes it very easy to find&replace complex patterns, like:
Add after each Zombie-classname the following two lines:
<cargo preset="Zmb_brain" />
<attachments preset="Zmb_headtorch" />
The search-pattern is: ' <type name="Zmb*(.*)'
The replacement-pattern is: ' <type name="Zmb\1\r\n \r\n '

# XML and JSON Validator and Beautifier My preferred validator and beautifier for XML and JSON is:
A very nice project, which, unfortunately has been closed a while ago, but still very useful to sort the content of XML files, e.g. by the type name. XML Formatter With Sorting
Check this one:
From time to time you may need to edit CVS files ( I would like to recommend that tiny tools (Windows, Mac, and Linux):
Server claim:
Rename the server to the claim-name shown, restart the server, enter the IP and query-port (not the Rcon-port). Afterward, rename the server again to the original name.

## Make your server visible in DZSAlauncher
If you are running a DayZ server on Nitrado, Unlimited Hosts, etc. you have to make the server visible on the DZSAlauncher. To do so, open the website and login at the upper right side (Login) with your Steam-account:

Click on "Check Server", enter your server's IP address followed by the Steam Query Port:

Press "Check Server". This will either show your server's status, or potentially missing mods.

Stop your server.
Setup your RCON password:

Battleye creates a server-specific version of the BEserver_x64.cfg – in that case BEServer_x64_active_15ed.cfg. The folder holding these files is dayzstandalone/battleye
Start your server
Use Cloud CFtools (free eddition) to connect to the DayZ server.
Execute any RCON Commands you desire.
Der OmegaManager ist eine Software zur Automatisierung Ihres DayZ-Servererlebnisses. Es stellt Ihren Server automatisch bereit, führt ihn aus, überwacht ihn, startet ihn neu und aktualisiert ihn.
Die setup.exe in ein Verzeichnis (/OmegaManager) verschieben und dort ausführen. Hier werden in Zukunft alle log files etc gespeichert! Es wird zum Abschluss des ersten Installationsdurchlaufs ein Text-Dokument geöffnet, in das einige Daten eingetragen werden müssen:
- Steam-User Name
- API key
- Kennwort

Die Datei speichern und schließen.
Danach muss ein zweiter Installationsdurchlauf ausgeführt werden.
C++ und DirectX werden installiert, was zu einer Fehlermeldung führen kann, wenn z.B. C++ bereits installiert ist!
Read the documentation first!!!
The PboProject needs other DLLs to be downloaded:
Also required are:

# pbo manager
PBO Manager x.1.4 beta,
DayZ Editor (2250764298)
DayZ Editor is a workshop, which has to be installed on the client side!
Use only static object (buildings, wallls, grounds, trees, etc.). Note, that weapons, food, clothing mostly exist in two variants, the static one (not interactable) and the "usable" ones. For decoration, only use the static objects!
I am using the additional mods Forever_Lights_and_Campfires and StreetLighting with static objects.
BuildingsMegaModPack – Starlv provides a lot more workshops!!
[DayZ Editor Loader](]
On the first run of that workshop the folder EditorFiles
will be created in the current mission folder:

Copy&paste the `dze` files you wish to be "activated" into that folder, and restart the server. Do not forget to load workshops you may have used to build your dze files!
BattlEye-Extended-Controls (BEC) is a program created by nuxil/Stian Mikalsen. This utility was created for ArmA 2 and ArmA 3 to take advantage of the Rcon protocol and provide tools for game server owners and administrators. BEC while originally made for ArmA 2 and ArmA 3 still works just fine for DayZ SA since the Rcon protocol has not changed much.