Map: Deer Isle - GarageMan/Setting-up-a-DayZ-server GitHub Wiki

All about installing and configuring Deer Isle


It seems to be the server files have been not updated sind Dayz 1.18...

Spawn tiers


Required workshops

Roadsigns for Deer Isle

You can either independently place road signs using the DayZEditor, or you simply take the preconfigured json file

Change: mpmissions\dayzOffline.deerisle\cfggameplay.json

		"lightingConfig": 1,
		"objectSpawnersArr": ["wgb_znaki"]

Do not forget to enable enableCfgGameplayFile = 1; in the file serverDZ.cfg ;-)

Store the file wgb_znaki.json in the directory mpmissions\dayzOffline\.

Winter on Deer Isle


  • Deer Isle

  • Winter Chernarus

  • Winter Livonia.

This mod overrides Deer Isle's Sat Map, surfaces, and vegetation.

All weather effects, assets retextures, etc. are handled by Winter Chernarus & Winter Livonia.

DayZED - A Deer Isle database editor

John McLane: "DayZED is a tool which I coded for myselfe while modding on the map - to make some things just easier and quicker. Its main purpose is to do massive database changes at once with just a few clicks -> Aka "Loot Editor" of the typex.xml. All other functions/tools within it are very basic and not recommended for "pro editing". DayZED only offers tools which i needed at a special point while modding Deerisle - which i am willing to share. I just added stuff what I've needed. Its available ONLY for Deerisle-Patreons." Source: