WS GCP Part6: Teseting Waffle Server data responses - Gapminder/waffle-server GitHub Wiki

WARNING! This article may change without notice since both GCP and Waffle Server are in active development

This instruction will help you to test how your Waffle Server responds to data requests and if it serves the static assets correctly. If you don't have a Waffle Server up and running or you don't have a dataset imported, please refer to the previous parts

1. Preparing for the test

  • This tutorial will assume you have imported the dataset “open-numbers/ddf--gapminder--systema_globalis”, as described in Part 5. So you can actually go ahead and import exactly this one. This is a good example dataset because it has a static asset in it (the wold map).

  • You will need <TM EXTERNAL IP> and <LB EXTERNAL IP> from your WS installation. Have them handy. Here is more info where you can get them

2. Testing static assets

  • Try this request in your browser: http://<TM EXTERNAL IP>/api/ddf/assets/open-numbers/ddf--gapminder--systema_globalis/master/assets/world-50m.json

  • This should download a file world-50m.json with a world map like this

3. Testing DDFQL responses

  • Try this request in your browser: http://<LB EXTERNAL IP>/api/ddf/ql/?_from=entities&select_key@=geo;&value@=name;;;;&dataset=open-numbers%252Fddf--gapminder--systema/_globalis%2523master

  • This should return a list of countries

like this

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