Violet dev.log - Ganxol/dev.log GitHub Wiki

  1. Going over the activity we went through the past week really worked out interestingly considering the stance and way we described it. When assigned to make a new place mat/kid's menu for Olive Garden(Not Sponsored) It first seemed rather simple, until the fact one had to create a entirely new idea that hadn't been done before. This taught a valuable lesson that one should always be ready to look at things differently, since when asked to to a project you should be able to provide a unique solution that another wouldn't have thought of, and considering our idea of a fortune teller game menu seemed to impress our classmates proved this point.

  2. Looking into the game known as Kingdom Come Deliverance I saw a interesting way to make a game enjoyable, and also partially realistic. Set in the 15th Century the game utilizes a food/hunger and sleep system that visibly affects the player, with lack of sleep making the character blink and doze, making the screen go black or blurry depending and hunger reducing the about of stamina you can use before getting tired. This also incorporates into the armor and weapons as the helms use visor slots and the weapons follow basic and real world characteristics that makes each battle roughly as challenging as the last, with the armor and weapons of the opponent and yourself being the main factor of how the fight will end. Overall the realism brings life to the game since you aren't exactly seen as an invincible hero but just a regular guy that has to work and fight to survive as does everyone else in the game, which can lead to lots of investment to learn the best way to fight and the best armor combos and of course making sure your character is well fed and rested too (Even overeating can be a negative which isn't even considered if you compare it to a game like TES: V Skyrim.)