Silver dev.log - Ganxol/dev.log GitHub Wiki

1.Looking over our project from last week really helped comprehend how to use an analysis to better prepare your product for release. The test group we had was really into the game and was open to give criticism. A developer must be open to hear this with a clear and level mind and afterwards understood and agreed with their points, which when added afterwards resulted in a much better game play I think.

  1. Going into my past achieves I found a title I couldn't quite remember playing; West of Loathing. Aesthetic wise the whole game is based in a stick drawing setting that revolves around puzzle solving and turn based combat. The main theme of the game is a plethora of choices one could make throughout the game. Every little decision you can make will affect the story later in some sort of shape or form and that really is impressive. Keeping this in mind it helps a player relate more to the game and be more invested since they see the choices they make have consequences and feel like they are really making changes in the world.