Green dev.log - Ganxol/dev.log GitHub Wiki

1.This past week I've been focused on setting up a new Unity project that will function hopefully as a future MMO genre game. While most of the basics involving movement and hit boxes are fairly decent, the RNG & RPG applied to the game is a real grind. The system settings used to establish damage, hp, and other such things is based on so many variables and exemptions and exceptions that honestly shocked me how much it will take to set up gear stats and damage.

  1. Taking a chance to dust off all the games I've gotten but never played I stumbled upon one that really spoke to me. This game being Foundation. The game itself has a nice little goal, building a village and ruling it effectively. What I wasn't expecting was the amount of detail. Sure I expected some gathering and building to be in the game, but what I wasn't expecting was zoning, be it for building or setting up harvesting zones, keeping ties with the crown or faith, training villagers in order to be proficient in their jobs. Honestly felt like I was running an actual town and was amazed by it, despite bankrupting twice and losing all my villagers to starvation and strikes as well once.