Digital Game Prototype - Ganxol/dev.log GitHub Wiki

Summary Portal is a fun, puzzle-solving platformer that follows the character as they navigate through multiple tests in an underground facility. These tests, and facility, are run by the enigmatic Glados.

Glados is an AI, artificial intelligence, that guides, monitors and judges you in all your tests while coming up with new ones.

You must navigate through obstacles, past turrets and over chasms, all to escape this murderous AI and win your freedom. You only have your wits and of course a state of the art portal gun. Can you make it through? Remember, think with Portals.

ype of Style: The Portal game has an art style that focuses on realism. Everything in the game, from the objects, characters, scenery, and even the Portal gun, all give a sense of realism.

Details: The game’s style accomplishes on looking real because of the many details it carries. Many aspects such as complex shading, glares, and creative uses of lighting are used heavily throughout the game to make it realistic looking as possible.

Colors: The game also focuses on two primary colors used throughout the setting, being black and white. Even the main villain GLaDOS and the turret enemies themselves are black and white too. These colors are mostly used to make the portals easy to distinguish across the stages, and to match the empty and eerie atmosphere the game has. Other colors that are also used often, are the colors of the portals, which are orange and blue.

Video Examples:

Portal Concept Document You wake up in the test chambers of an obscure company named Apeture Science. You are given a portal gun and get instructed to go through tests’ of various difficulty by an AI named GLaDOS. If you pass all the tests you DIE! get cake. If you fail… Don’t worry, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

Weighted Companion Cubes in their Natural Habitat Player Motivation:

The player is placed in life threatening testing facility and must figure out how to escape alive


A portal gun that shoots two portal openings and creates a worm hole between them puzzles that force you to use the portal gun in unique ways. Story line with an interesting twist Platforming obstacles Dry comedic moments from the psycho AI Characters:

Chell(Main) GlaDOS (Villian) Companion Cube ( not really character mainly there for puzzles) Unique Selling Points:

Physics bending aspects of a portal gun Challenging puzzles Comedic moments Genre: sci-fi 3d puzzle platformer

License: Developed and published by Valve corperation

Target Audience: gamers teen and older

Competition: none

Design Goals:

Simple: The game is set in a scientific testing facility so there is a lot of white walls mixed in with some sci-fi stuff scattered here and there. Character interaction is limited to moving, jumping, and creating portals Tension: The tension in this game is mostly brought on by GLaDOS who’s dry humor brings a sense of unease, until it tries kill you, then it tries to convince you it was a joke or part of the test so it can get you in the test chamber and try to kill you again.

Prototype Video: Video Demonstration

JD Walks us through the Prototype Finished Look Concept:

MDA & Bartle Player Analysis MDA Analysis Mechanics: portal gun, one player, entrance, exit, obstacles, jumping, limited health

Aesthetics: Challenged, excited, frustrated, clever, accomplished

Dynamics: limited to 2 portals, portals only work on certain walls, must navigate obstacles to escape testing room as fast as possible, obstacles include:

Turrets Electrified water Moving platforms Glass (portal proof) Buttons Doors Timer Bartle Player Analysis Killers would enjoy being able to disrupt the uniformity of the “test” facility as they attempt to escape and get out from under the evil AI. Also, able to destroy monitoring cameras and torment sentient turrets. Achievers will want the fastest time in the “tests” as well as completing them while not getting hurt or spotted by the turrets. There are also unlock-able achievements for this. Explorers have many small easter eggs to discover while exploring the world that are hard to find without going off the beaten path. There are achievements and lore that is impossible to get without exploring outside the main path. Socializers, unfortunately, there is no multiplayer aspect to this game and the only other character is the villain npc,non player character, so there is no way for the socializer to interact with other players in the game besides maybe comparing the test completion times outside of it.