specify private/group/public (radio button defaulting to private)
optionally specify subject, place, when
optionally enter a short description
[4] Upload One Folder of Images
reused a lot of code from 3
allow user to optionally specify subject, place, when, permitted
(but not description)
default to blanks for subject, place, when; and PRIVATE (value = 2) for permitted
[5] Display Image
Security for viewOneImage
TODO: image popularity search
TODO: image thumbnail security for popularity search
[6] Modify Image
only if the user owns the image
edit the subject/place/time/description
re-specify private/group/public
[7] Search
comment from TA: make sure empty search returns nothing
[8] Data Analysis
Project Report
User Documentation
Other stuff to consider
"you must explicitly acknowledge use of any other source code that you did not develop yourself"
go through our jsp's and add a comment at the top referencing the example code it's based on
"A simple makefile that will compile all necessary files must be part of your source code"
create a makefile that does the "javac WEB-INF/classes/GetOnePic.java" thing
maybe add some view of "notice" for group_lists in editGroup.jsp
need to add an admin user that has access to everyone. This means everytime a group is created, admin needs to be added to the group, as we currently have it set up.