Maintenance Requirements - Gannon-University/gcis634.2014.team2 GitHub Wiki

General Requirements

In general, the team shall work on the original code to refactor the code and provide more functions to the program which shall improve the changeability, usability, functionality, and performance of the program.
Each team member shall be responsible for contributing to the project their own maintenance requirements and improvements to the code. All works shall commit and push into github by using individual branches. The release version of this software shall be commit and merge in the master branch.
The individual requirements are shown as below.

Sean Raia:

I plan on allowing the program to parse bytecode directly from a class file, given the name and path of the file. This will streamline the system, removing the previous need for us to copy the contents of the class file to a .txt datafile.

Fang Yuan:

I shall work on the overall architecture design to refactor the project structures by using java design patterns. The overall structure of the program shall use Factory Methods or Decorator. However, it might be use more patterns in the program as the progress of the project going.

Architecture Design

The individual work for the team is instead of using if and else statement to determine the bytecode loading in the JVM, it shall use another way to implement which shall be more efficient.

Stephen Mangol:

I plan to work on having the program be able to accept not only integers, but other data types as well, such as the double data type. I also plan on working on overriding the system to be able to accept more or less than three inputs. This will serve useful to other problems that are not that are not the Triangle Problem.

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