Production Plan - GangBug/AgeofEmpiresII GitHub Wiki
Executive Summary
First, before beginning the content of the production plan, you can consult the Executive Summary to know briefly all the content of all documents that shows what will be the production of Age of Empires II: Jidoku Do.
You can read that summary Here
Development Planning
In this section we must emphasize:
Development Method
Development schedule
Resource requirements
Development Method
Around the methodology of work that we are going to use we will focus on the methodology Agile Scrum. We implemented two meetings a week, where we treated all the production issues of that moment. These meetings are scheduled for Tuesdays at 12:00 and on Fridays at 12:00.
We will also make a daily meeting in our curse channel, where we will try the three questions:
• What have I done since the last meeting?
• What am I going to do from this moment on?
• What do I need or will need (both material and human resources)?
In addition to all these meetings a meeting will be added every Monday where only the management and the lead will be to analyze how the different tasks are being carried out.After this meeting will be updated the list of tasks in the trello platform.
In the trello lie 5 states for the activities:
- TO DO: Tasks to do
- In process: Tasks that are under development
- Obstructed: Tasks that can not be performed because of the need for another task to be completed before
- To Check: After performing a task is placed in check, the only one that can place the task in finished is the one in charge of QA
Development schedule
The development schedule is given by the milestones required by the investor, in this case adapted to the delivery dates. Some of these have advanced the milestone of ALPHA as the project has a BETA phase.
There will be 10 sprints which will be 3-1 weeks. There will be 10 sprints which will be 3-1 weeks. The following gantt diagram shows the different sprints & milestones that will be during the development.
The different milestones of the game will be:
Production Docs & Pitch Presentation - [Monday 9-March-2017] Adds:
- Production plan
- Game Design Document
- Technical Design Document
- UI Plan
- QA WorkFlow
- Art & Audio Bibles
Vertical Slide V-0.2 - [Friday 7-April-2017] Adds:
- Movement of one unit fully animated.
- First Version of the Map.
- Basic UI ingame.
Pre-Alpha V-0.3 - [Monday 24-April-2017] Adds:
- UI Menu done.
- Resource System.
- First Mision almost done.
- Villagers, Samurai, Knight and Archer included.
- Zerglings included.
- Town center, barracks, stable and towers included.
Alpha.V-0.5 - [Monday 8-May-2017] Adds:
- Almost every unit in the game, including enemies.
- Almost every building fully functionable.
- Dialogues.
- Second mission.
- Demons included. Full map.
Beta.V-0.7 - [Friday 19-May-2017] Adds:
- Bug Fixes
- Misions concluded
- Map finished
- UI Final
- Conversations
Gold V-1.0 -[Monday 29-May-2017]
- Game finished
You can look the Milestones & Sprint Calendary Here
In order to carry out a production process in an efficient and orderly way the gant diagram has been made.
You can look the gannt chart Here
Resource requirements
As in all the companies of the sector we must know that the most valuable resource in a company is the developer. In this project the team is formed by 7 developers, each of us specialize in a different role in order to achieve a professional result.
- Human Resources
- Contingence Fund
Material resources will be based on the personal resources of each team member.
- Total Budget
We are not responsible for the misuse of licenses or the use of these, since it is an educational project, if there is any type of problem, the university should be responsible.
Neither has the taxes been added since we have not had time to meet with our business agent
Risk Plan & Contingences
In order to avoid and know how to react to any problems that we have during the development of the project, we try to have one or more contingencies for each of the potential risks and problems.
Each risk will be given a degree of risk on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is critical.
- Lack of content for the completion of a sprint[2]: As a primary contingency, all members of the team leave aside their tasks do not make the sprint dice to perform the tasks that are missing from finishing the sprint, if it is not possible to analyse itself. Content can be skipped or be expanded to the next sprint
- Lack of content for completing a milestone[1]: As with the lack of content of a sprint, all members will focus on milestone tasks and the importance of missing content. All important content is finalized.
- Unstable versions[1]: All versions of the game to be stable, a QA time is made in order to make the versions stable, in case you do not have a stable version, a version will not be made.
- Disappearance of a member of the team[3]: In this case the other members analyse the tasks of the member and among all the contents of the ring of the game as achieved a version with the minimum content marked by the GDD.
- Lack of budget[1]: This will avoid adding an emergency fund.
- A PC of a member of the team is broken[5]: The management has an electronic equipment in addition to spare parts pc, in case the PC can not be fixed, it has a clean laptop with all the programs that will be used during the development.
- Any member should forget the completion of the form[6]: It can happen that it reacts and it is agreed during the accomplishment of the task, in this case the member will put in the comment of the form the hour that has begun to realize the task and The estimated time in the section that touches you. In case you do not remember, the time you have been working will not be counted and therefore you will not be able to collect the established hours.
In case of several problems at the same time they will be treated according to priority, that is, the more critical the more priority will be.
Time Control
How to know the time that every member of the team invests in the project?
It should be noted that this is a difficult task, since being a group of students we can not establish schedules where the whole team get to work.That's why we have made a form of google where we fill each time we start an activity and we finish the following questions:
- Name
- Work Area
- Start/finish
- Task
- Little description
- Estimated Time
- Comments
You can look the formulary Here
After answer this, the google form is vinculed to a Google sheets, where the time is counted with algorithms and its calculated every second that the team member invest. its calculated the ratio (Estimated time - Real time).
You can look the Time sheet Here