Audio Bible - GangBug/AgeofEmpiresII GitHub Wiki


The sounds of the game have to be like the sounds that could be heard in feudal Japan. The music must be interpreted by instruments of the place and the time in which the game is based.

  • 【作業用BGM】癒される和風BGM - Main menu
  • Wadaiko Matsuriza - Kabuki Gomen-Jyo [Japanese drums] - First mission
  • Japanese Battle Music - Daimyo - Second mission
  • 【作業用BGM】オーケストラと和楽器による和風系戦闘曲 負けられない合戦前に自分を鼓舞する時に - Third mission

Music repository here.


Sound effects will be extracted from the original "Age of Empires II" and "Diablo 2". These have to fit seamlessly with the graphics of the game and look as realistic as possible.

FX repository [here](
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