Documentation: lib - GandelXIV/pidi-os GitHub Wiki

Lib/ Documentation


  • uint strlen(char\* string)
    Get string length.
  • void strcpy(char\* destination, char\* source)
    Copy source string over destination string.
    WARNING: If the destination string is shorter than the source string, the function will overwrite data after it! -> Buffer Overflow
  • bool strcmp(char\* string_a, char\* string_b)
    Returns true (0x01) if strings are the same; returns false (0x00) if strings are not the same.
  • void stradd(char\* base, char\* extension
    Appends the extension to the base.
    WARNING: Overwrites data located after base ! -> Buffer Overflow
  • void strcls(char\* string)
    Clears string by overwriting all chars in string with 0x00.
  • void strupp(char\* string)
    Converts all lower-case characters to upper case.
    Example: strupp("f0o 4 b@r") -> "F0O 4 B@R"
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