Project Proposal - GanaramInukshuk/CSE482-2019 GitHub Wiki

Project Proposal

For use with CSE-482 (Fall 2019)

Name: Giovanni Orijuela Class: CSE-482 Fall 2019 Prof.: Dr. David Turner

CSE-482 (Fall) Project Proposal: Expand the project created in CSE-405 (Spring 2019) by porting it to C# and utilizing the Unity game engine. The original JavaScript prototype developed in CSE-405 is an experimental city-building incremental game with only three gameplay features: housing, jobs, and schooling. The Unity version of the game aims to expand on those features while adding a healthcare system and a refined demand system to simulate city growth.

Github repo to original JavaScript prototype:

Proposed features include:

  • Graphical user interface – this also provides a visual representation of the available building types. The JavaScript prototype has no graphics.
  • Different building sizes – this includes high-capacity buildings that occupy more people per building, such as duplexes for residential buildings. The JavaScript prototype only featured single-unit households.
  • Different levels of K-12 education – education is divided into three levels – elementary, middle, high – and each level has its own budget and requirements. The JavaScript prototype combined all three levels into one category.
  • Healthcare system – healthcare is divided into two levels (clinics and hospitals) and each level has its own budget and requirements. No healthcare system existed in the JavaScript prototype.
  • System for savefiles – save data is to be saved in JSON files. This feature was never implemented in the JavaScript prototype due to time constraints.