Tic Tac Toe - GamesROB/documentation GitHub Wiki

Tic Tac Toe is the classic game where you need to get three in a row on a 3x3 board.

AI Support ✔️
Premium Bot Players Min: 1, Max: 5
Normal Bot Players Min: 1, Max: 4

How To Play

In Tic Tac Toe you play on a 3 column wide, 3 row tall board made up of letters. To take your turn, you simply need to send the letter where you want your tile to go. The first person to get three of their tile in a row wins!


Name Description
Inverted If you get 3 tiles in a row, you lose. Try to force your opponents into getting 3 in a row first, or just stall for a tie.


Key Default Restrictions Description
connectTiles 3 Min: 2, Max: 10 Changes the number of tiles you need to get in a row in order to win.
boardSize 3 Min: 2, Max: 5 Changes how many tiles tall and wide the board is.