Commands - GamesROB/documentation GitHub Wiki

GamesROB has various commands that aren't games which compliment the experience.

You can find tables with each category of command below:


Command Usage Description Notes
slots <amount/all> Choose an amount of tokens to gamble and hope you win!
achievements View your progress in achievements
baltop [global] [page] Shows the token leaderboard
weekly A weekly token prize for donators


Command Usage Description Notes
profile [user] View your profile, or someone else's
profilebackground <imgur url>
userlang <language> Change your personal language preference
emojitile <Emoji> Change the emoji tile you want to use in matches


Command Usage Description Notes
leaderboard View the game leaderboard
guildlang <language> Change the default language preference for the server Requires the Manage Servers permission.
perm <allow/neutral/deny/check/lock> [category/channel] [user/role] <permission> [game/command] Change the permission settings for your server Major revision planned & Requires the Manage Servers permission.
upvote [history] Gives you information about your last upvotes
setprefix <Prefix> Change the command prefix of the current server Requires the Manage Servers permission.


Command Usage Description Notes
join Joins the match in the current channel
stop Forces the current match to stop
listplayers Lists the users playing in the match running in the current channel


Command Usage Description Notes
info View some basic bot statistics and information
statistics View more statistics about the bot and your usage of it
changelog Displays the list of changes from the latest update
ping View details about the bot's latency
shardinfo Get a dump with details about the bot's shards
support Gives you an invite link to the bot's support server
website Gives you a link to the website
patreon Get some information about our Patreon
gdpr Get all of the data we have stored that could be used to identify you
highscore Shows the top scores for every game in the current server
invite Gives you an invite to the bot
help Gives you a list of all games and commands on the bot


Command Usage Description Notes
alertbot Get some information about our partner, AlertBot!
cafe Learn more about our partner, Cafe!
idlerpg Get some info about our partner, IdleRPG!
discordserversme Learn about our partner,!

If you're redirected to the home page after clicking a command name in blue text then that means we haven't made a Wiki page for it yet, feel free to point this out to us by submitting an issue or tell us in our support server.

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