FAQ - Gamerexde/HideMyPlugins GitHub Wiki


Frecuently Asked Questions

Q: This plugin works with BungeeCord?

A: Yes, this plugin works with BungeeCord, only thing to take in mind is that you will need a MySQL Server in order to run this plugin. Otherwise the plugin will turn off the BungeeCord Instance until you set up the database.

Q: How can I setup a MySQL Server for the plugin?

A: You will need to host a MySQL Server on a Linux Instance or using XAMPP in Windows. Setup the username, the port, the username, the password and create a database called hidemyplugins for example, then all of that credentials goes to the config.yml and then restart the server (A reload will not work).

How to set up MySQL for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/como-instalar-mysql-en-ubuntu-18-04-es

XAMPP Should be very easy to understand.