NAND Size - GamerTunerit/Guide GitHub Wiki

A valid NAND backup should be one of the following sizes in most situations.

Occasionally, you will get a backup with a different size than one of these listed. It is fine for a backup to be larger than expected, just ensure that it is never smaller than the sizes listed.

Your backup should match one of the sizes on this page; if it does not, you should delete it and make a new one!

The brand name refers to the manufacturer of the NAND chip in your device, not your SD card.


+ Toshiba NAND:     
  988.807.168 bytes = 943 MB    

+ Toshiba NAND:    
  1.979.711.488 bytes = 1.84GB    

+ Samsung NAND:    
  1.000.341.504 bytes = 954 MB    

+ Samsung NAND:    
  1.300.234.240 bytes = 1.21GB    

Old 3DS:

+ Toshiba NAND:     
  988.807.168 bytes = 943 MB    

+ Samsung NAND:    
  1.000.341.504 bytes = 954 MB    

New 3DS:

+ Toshiba NAND:    
  1.979.711.488 bytes = 1.84GB    

+ Samsung NAND:    
  1.300.234.240 bytes = 1.21GB