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Campaign Platform

게임내 광고(팝업)을 쉽게 쉽게 띄울수 있도록 webview와 이미지 등록 운영툴을 제공하는 서비스

API Spec


'code': 0, 'msg': 'suc'

'code': -1, 'msg': 'query error'

'code': -2, 'msg': 'nothing changed'

'code': -3, 'msg': 'invalid parameter'

'code': -4, 'msg': 'transaction error'

'code': -5, 'msg': 'upload error'

'code': -6, 'msg': 'noting to get'

Version 0.0.1
Request URL Method Request JSON Response JSON
/api/campaign/locaitons/:locaitonid GET { “images” : [{ “url”:“http://abdc.com/a12398“},{ “url”:“http://abdc.com/a12312323"}]}
Version 0.0.2
Available Request URL Method Request parameter Response JSON
true /api/apps/:appid/locations/:locaitonid/campaigns?ec=:campaginid_1&ec=:campaginid_2&ec=:campaginid_3 GET status:200, { "count": 2 , "campaigns" : [ { "id":"1","order": 1, "title" : "7일동안 광고 보지 않기", "url" : "http://abdc.com/a12398", "ad_expire_day": 7 },{ "id":"2", "order": 2, "title" : "1일동안 광고 보지 않기", "url" : "http://abdc.com/a12398", "ad_expire_day": 1 } ]}
true /api/apps/:appid/locations/:locaitonid/campaigns POST {"campaigns": [{"campaign_id": 1, "campaign_order": 1}, {"campaign_id": 3, "campaign_order": 2}]} status:200, {'result':'Your campaigns have been successfully registered.'}
true /api/apps/:appid/locations/:locaitonid/campaigns DELETE {"campaigns": [{"campaign_id": 2}, {"campaign_id": 4}]} status:200, {'result':'Your app has been successfully deleted.'}
true /api/campaigns/ GET status:200, { count: 1, campaigns: [{"id":1,"title":"7일동안 광고 보지 않기","url":"http://www.nate.com","ad_expire_day":7,"start_date":"1989-07-27T17:13:33.000Z","end_date":"2017-09-21T16:01:01.000Z","createdAt":"2017-06-19T15:00:00.000Z","modifiedAt":"2017-06-28T05:03:54.000Z"}]
true /api/campaigns/:campaignid GET status:200, {"id":1,"title":"7일동안 광고 보지 않기","url":"http://www.nate.com","ad_expire_day":7,"start_date":"1989-07-27T17:13:33.000Z","end_date":"2017-09-21T16:01:01.000Z","createdAt":"2017-06-19T15:00:00.000Z","modifiedAt":"2017-06-28T05:03:54.000Z"}
true /api/campaigns/url POST {"title" : "7일동안 광고 다시 보지 않기", "url" : "http://abdc.com/a12398", "expireDay" : "7", "startDate": "1999-06-20 02:13:33", "endDate": "2018-06-20 01:01:01", "ratio_x": "200", "ratio_y": "500", "redirect_location":"www.naver.com", "is_url":"0", "writer":"MHG"} status:200, success
true /api/campaigns/image POST [TYPE - form data] {"title" : "7일동안 광고 다시 보지 않기", "expireDay" : "7", "startDate": "1999-06-20 02:13:33", "endDate": "2018-06-20 01:01:01, uploadImage : imagefile } status:200, success
true /api/campaigns/:campaignid PUT {"title" : "1일동안 광고 다시 보지 않기", "url" : "http://abdc.com/a12398", "expireDay" : "1", "startDate": "1999-06-20 02:13:33", "endDate": "2018-06-20 01:01:01"} status:200, success
false /api/campaigns/:campaignid DELETE status:200, success
Available Request URL Method Request JSON Response JSON
true /api/apps GET status:200, { "count" : 2 , "apps" : [ { "id" : 1, "title" : "test1" }, { "id" : 2, "title" : "test2" } ] }
true /api/apps POST { "app_info" : [ "title" : "test6" ] } status:200, {'result':'Your app has been successfully registered.'}
true /api/apps/:appid PUT status:200, {'result':'Your app has been successfully updated.'}
true /api/apps/:appid DELETE status:200, {'result':'Your app has been successfully deleted.'}
true /api/apps/:appid GET status:200, { "title" : "test1" }
Available Request URL Method Request JSON Response JSON
true /api/apps/:appid/locations GET status:200, {'code': 0,'msg': 'suc','result': getRows}
true /api/apps/:appid/locations/:locationid GET status:200, {'code': 0,'msg': 'suc','result': getRow}
true /api/apps/:appid/locations POST status:200, {'code': 0,'msg': 'suc'}
true /api/apps/:appid/locations DELETE {"location_list": [{"seq": 16},{"seq": 17}]} status:200, {'code': 0,'msg': 'suc'}
Available Request URL Method Request JSON Response JSON
true /api/campaigns/:campaignid/click GET status:200, { 'code': 0, 'msg': 'suc', 'result': ["campaign_id":1, "device_id":2, "type":1, number:3] }
true /api/campaigns/:campaignid/click/:clickType GET status:200, { 'code': 0, 'msg': 'suc', 'result': ["campaign_id":1, "device_id":2, "type":1, number:3]] }
true /api/campaigns/:campaignid/click POST {"deviceid": "2", "clickType":"exposure"} status:200, { 'code': 0, 'msg': 'suc' }


void loadCampaign( int LocationID )