World Map Triggers - GameHackingDotOrg/FF4Hacking GitHub Wiki

This info was put together by Lazy Bastard, with info and help from others as noted below.

b0ardface said:
"CFE60, first six bytes are offsets to overworld/underworld/moon, CFE66-CFFFF are the triggers"

chillyfeez said:
"World map triggers are preceded by six bytes indicating the offsets that begin overworld, underworld and moon, in that order."
"So you can move some triggers between worlds if you need to."
"Also, you can use yousei's editor to view exact trigger locations."
"There are at least three in the Overworld that exist but are completely unused"
"Two on the tower of babil"
"And the back half of mist (town)"
"Also in the underworld, there are several trigger points for the tanks to attack the tower, easily repurposed"

Per b0ardface's and chillyfeez's info above, this means that the trigger data for the overworld map is:
65 9C 24 10 1E 66 9C 24 10 1E 65 9D 24 10 1E 66 9D 24 10 1E 64 9D 00 10 1E 64 9E 00 10 1E 67 9D 00 10 1E 67 9E 00 10 1E 4C 84 6C 02 1C 54 77 6C 9B 03 60 77 01 43 10 61 77 01 DC 10 7D 68 02 0F 1E 8A 53 6F 1A 1D 8A 4D 73 98 09 86 48 74 90 09 7D 42 76 90 0B 77 3E FF 10 00 76 3A 25 10 1E 77 3A 25 10 1E 76 39 25 10 1E 77 39 25 10 1E 88 38 77 8F 04 98 31 7E 0F 1C A0 31 80 15 1E D6 3A 26 0F 1D D7 3A 26 0F 1D D6 39 26 0F 1D D7 39 26 0F 1D DD 38 FF 2B 00 9A C7 03 10 1F 9B C7 03 10 1F DA C7 84 14 1F 22 52 27 10 1D 23 52 27 10 1D 22 51 27 10 1D 23 51 27 10 1D 23 53 05 10 1C 23 54 05 10 1C 24 54 05 10 1C 4A 35 8C 85 07 2D EB 28 10 1F 2E EB 28 10 1F 2D EC 28 10 1F 2E EC 28 10 1F 18 E7 C7 8A 04 68 D7 06 10 1F 69 D8 06 10 1F D2 82 04 11 1E DB 88 A0 07 14 21 DB B5 0C 05 22 DB C0 8C 11 E4 2F CF 08 0B D5 D1 D1 08 0B 59 A3 D2 08 0B 22 65 D3 08 0B 56 4F D4 08 0B 29 35 21 08 1E

...and the trigger data for the underworld map is:
63 52 07 0F 1E 64 52 07 0F 1E 63 51 07 0F 1E 64 51 07 0F 1E 5B 53 0F 03 0E 30 0F FF 58 00 31 0F FF 58 00 68 7B 00 06 0B 3E 79 01 11 1B 3F 79 01 11 1B 3F 7A 01 11 1B 0D 0E 45 90 02 2E 6D 44 04 0A 1B 56 36 91 0A 37 14 FF 36 00 36 11 FF 36 00 33 10 FF 36 00

...and the trigger data for the lunar map is:
3D 17 5A 88 07 1C 19 60 10 1C 12 14 63 0C 1E 12 0E 63 93 05 29 18 64 95 06 28 1C 64 09 19 21 27 65 0A 10

Also, Yousei's notes (for headered v1.0) state:
D0060-D0065 World Trigger Pointers
D0066-D01FF World Trigger Data (*2)

So subtracting 0x200 for the header, these would be:
CFE60-CFE65 World Trigger Pointers
CFE66-CFFFF World Trigger Data (*2)

The data (above) is in five-byte pieces.

Distilling the data I got from b0ardface, chillyfeez, and Aexoden on the subject, and adding what I figured out with a hex editor, Yousei's editor, and Pinkpuff's ff4kster:

The data for world map triggers is at CFE60-CFFFF.
The first six bytes at CFE60 contain the relative offsets (from CFE66) for Overworld, Underworld, and Lunar world maps:
00 00 22 01 77 01
The Overworld map trigger data starts at CFE66, so its relative offset is 0.
The Underworld map trigger data starts at CFF88, so its relative offset is 0x0122.
The Lunar map trigger data starts at CFFDD, so its relative offset is 0x0177.
(these offsets are relative to the beginning of this trigger data, at 0xCFE66)
Each trigger is five bytes in size.

For example, here's the one for Cave Magnes:
4A 35 8C 85 07
According to Yousei's editor, it's at x74, y53. In hex, that's 4A, 35.
ff4kster says Cave Magnes 1F is grid index 140. In hex, that's 8C. We'll assume the grid index matches the map index, which isn't always true apparently.
b0ardface said:
"Second last byte contains both X coordinate (lower 6 bits) and facing direction upon arrival (top 2 bits)"
...and the tile you arrive at in Cave Magnes 1F (looking at it with ff4kster) is 5,7.
Assuming the last byte is the Y position, this means that 0x80 is the facing direction value.
Aexoden said:
"Yes, so shift the bits right 6 times"
"128 / 2 ^ 6 = 2"
"Or just think of the top two bits being "10"
"So the direction possibilities are going to be 0x00, 0x40, 0x80, 0xC0"
"up, right, down, left"
In summary, Cave Magnes overworld map trigger is at 74, 35; it teleports you to map 140 (Cave Magnes 1F); and in that map, it places you at 5,7, facing down.
This works slightly differently for world map event triggers (as opposed to teleport triggers as described above).
World map event triggers still use the first two bytes for coordinates on the world map, but the third byte will be 0xFF, the fourth byte will be the event code, and the fifth byte will be 0x00.
For example, here is the Damcyan Bombing event:
77 3E FF 10 00
It's located at X coordinate 0x77, Y coordinate 0x3E, it's an event (0xFF), its event code is 0x10 (Damcyan Bombing event), and the last byte is unused because it's an event trigger.

Note: Teleport triggers must use the coordinates of a trigger-type tile. Using a tool like FF4MapEdit, you can view which tiles are trigger-type tiles. These are analogous to the trigger tiles seen in ff4kster with a red square around them or red symbols in the middle of them.

Overworld Triggers:

65 9C 24 10 1E Baron Castle, top left
66 9C 24 10 1E Baron Castle, top right
65 9D 24 10 1E Baron Castle, bottom left
66 9D 24 10 1E Baron Castle, bottom right
64 9D 00 10 1E Baron Town, top left
64 9E 00 10 1E Baron Town, bottom left
67 9D 00 10 1E Baron Town, top right
67 9E 00 10 1E Baron Town, bottom right
4C 84 6C 02 1C Misty Cave, south entrance
54 77 6C 9B 03 Misty Cave, north entrance
60 77 01 43 10 Village Mist, left
61 77 01 DC 10 Village Mist, right
7D 68 02 0F 1E Kaipo
8A 53 6F 1A 1D Watery Pass, south entrance
8A 4D 73 98 09 Watery Pass, plateau, south entrance
86 48 74 90 09 Watery Pass, plateau, north entrance
7D 42 76 90 0B Watery Pass, north entrance
77 3E FF 10 00 Damcyan bombing event
76 3A 25 10 1E Damcyan, bottom left
77 3A 25 10 1E Damcyan, bottom right
76 39 25 10 1E Damcyan, top left
77 39 25 10 1E Damcyan, top right
88 38 77 8F 04 Antlion Cave
98 31 7E 0F 1C Mt. Hobs, west entrance
A0 31 80 15 1E Mt. Hobs, east entrance
D6 3A 26 0F 1D Fabul, bottom left
D7 3A 26 0F 1D Fabul, bottom right
D6 39 26 0F 1D Fabul, top left
D7 39 26 0F 1D Fabul, top right
DD 38 FF 2B 00 Fabul dock
9A C7 03 10 1F Mysidia, left
9B C7 03 10 1F Mysidia, right
DA C7 84 14 1F Mount Ordeals
22 52 27 10 1D Toroia Castle, bottom left
23 52 27 10 1D Toroia Castle, bottom right
22 51 27 10 1D Toroia Castle, top left
23 51 27 10 1D Toroia Castle, top right
23 53 05 10 1C Toroia Town, top
23 54 05 10 1C Toroia Town, bottom left
24 54 05 10 1C Toroia Town, bottom right
4A 35 8C 85 07 Cave Magnes
2D EB 28 10 1F Eblan, top left
2E EB 28 10 1F Eblan, top right
2D EC 28 10 1F Eblan, bottom left
2E EC 28 10 1F Eblan, bottom right
18 E7 C7 8A 04 Cave Eblan
68 D7 06 10 1F Agart, top left
69 D8 06 10 1F Agart, bottom right
D2 82 04 11 1E Silvera (Mythril Town)
DB 88 A0 07 14 Adamant (Adamant Isle Grotto)
21 DB B5 0C 05 Tower of Babil, left (unused)
22 DB C0 8C 11 Tower of Babil, right (unused)
E4 2F CF 08 0B Fabul Chocobo Forest
D5 D1 D1 08 0B Mount Ordeals Chocobo Forest
59 A3 D2 08 0B Baron Chocobo Forest
22 65 D3 08 0B Toroia Chocobo Forest (south of Toroia)
56 4F D4 08 0B Island Chocobo Forest (east of Toroia)
29 35 21 08 1E Black Chocobo Forest

Underworld Triggers:

63 52 07 0F 1E Dwarven Castle, bottom left
64 52 07 0F 1E Dwarven Castle, bottom right
63 51 07 0F 1E Dwarven Castle, top left
64 51 07 0F 1E Dwarven Castle, top right
5B 53 0F 03 0E Dwarven Castle cave exit
30 0F FF 58 00 Tower of Bab-Il, left
31 0F FF 58 00 Tower of Bab-Il, right
68 7B 00 06 0B Kokkol's Smithy (Kokkol's Forge)
3E 79 01 11 1B Tomra, top left
3F 79 01 11 1B Tomra, top right
3F 7A 01 11 1B Tomra, bottom
0D 0E 45 90 02 Sylvan Cave
2E 6D 44 04 0A Sealed Cave
1B 56 36 91 0A Land of Monsters (Feymarch)
37 14 FF 36 00 Tanks firing, first trigger (south-most)
36 11 FF 36 00 Tanks firing, second trigger (middle)
33 10 FF 36 00 Tanks firing, third trigger (north-most)

Lunar Triggers:

3D 17 5A 88 07 Cave Bahamut
1C 19 60 10 1C Crystal Palace
12 14 63 0C 1E Lunar Tunnel, first entrance after arriving on the moon
12 0E 63 93 05 Lunar Tunnel, second entrance after arriving on the moon
29 18 64 95 06 Lunar Tunnel, third entrance after arriving on the moon
28 1C 64 09 19 Lunar Tunnel, fourth entrance after arriving on the moon
21 27 65 0A 10 Hummingway Home

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