Commands - GameFeeder/GameFeeder GitHub Wiki

The bot offers a large variety of commands to be configured to your needs.

Command List

This is a list of all available commands. Please note that you need to add the prefix of the client you are using before every command. For example, to execute the help command on Discord, you have to use !help by default (if you did not change the prefix on this server). On Telegram, you have to use /help.

User Commands

  • start - Get started with the GameFeeder.
  • help - Display a list of all available commands.
  • settings - Display an overview of the settings you can configure for the bot.
  • about - Display info about the bot.
  • games - Display all available games.
  • flip - Flip a coin.
  • roll <dice count> <dice type> <modifier> - Roll some dice.
  • stats <game name (optional)> - Display statistics about the bot.
  • ping - Test the delay of the bot.
  • debug - Display some useful debug information.

Admin Commands

  • subscribe <game name> - Subscribe to the given game's feed.
  • unsubscribe <game name> - Unsubscribe from the given game's feed
  • prefix <new prefix> - Change the bot's prefix used in this channel.

Owner Commands

  • notifyAll <message> - Notify all subscribed users.
  • notifyGameSubs (<game name>) <message> - Notify all subs of a game.
  • telegramCmds - Get the string to properly register the commands on Telegram.
  • label <bot name> <channel id> <channel label> - Change the channel's label for easier debugging.


To execute the commands, you have to have a certain role. This prevents users on servers to mess up the bot configuration. The following roles are available:

  • User: Anyone can execute commands with the user role.
  • Admin: Anyone who has administrative rights on the server. On DM chats, you always have the admin role.
  • Owner: These commands can only be executed by the owners of the bots. The commands are used for development and global configurations.


Please make sure that the bot has the appropriate permissons on the chats you want to use it on. First of all, make sure the bot is able to read and write in the given chat. On Discord, "Read Messages" and "Write Messages" need to be enabled for the bot. On Telegram, the bot needs to be an administrator to write in announcement channels.

Furthermore, please allow the bot on Discord to "Embed Links". The bot should work with this disabled, however it is not officially supported. This setting will allow the bot to properly format the notifications and yield much more pleasant results.

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