Developer Console - GameDevWeek/CodeBase GitHub Wiki

The Developer Console is an Ingame Console, through which you can view (and filter) Logs, as well as enter commands and change variables.

How to use the ingame console

  • To toggle the console ingame, press F12.
  • Enter listcvars to list all available console variables (cvars)
    • More options are available to filter the results ( enter help listcvars )
  • Enter listcmds to list all commands
    • More options are available to filter the results ( enter help listcmds )
  • Enter help <command or cvar> to get information on how to use a command or cvar.
  • On cvars you can also just enter the cvar name without a value to get additional information.
  • To use autocompletion, Enter at least one character and press tab.
    • Press tab again to cycle through options (if there are multiple)
    • Autocompletion is available for commands, cvars and their parameters/values.
    • To use Autocompletion on a parameter or cvar value, enter a space between the command/cvar and then press tab.
  • Use mousewheel to scroll the log, or drag the log with your mouse/finger.
  • Use up/down arrows to go through the history of your latest commands.
  • press ctrl+tab to print usage for the entered command
  • Press Page-Up or Page-Down to scroll to the top or the bottom of the log.

Any log you write with SL4J will be visible in this console.

  • You can use log_filter to change what log levels will be hidden (use space to separate different log levels).
  • log_height sets the percentage of the window height the console should use.

How to create a new Command

Constructor Parameters

ConsoleCmd(String name, int flags, String description, [int minArguments])

  • name is the command you enter in the console
  • description is shown when using the help command.
  • flags can be ignored for now (pass 0)
  • minArguments is optional, and the minimum arguments that need to be passed before this command will be executed

Basic Example

ConsoleCmd myCommand = new ConsoleCmd("myCommand", 0, "Do some stuff") {
    public void execute(List<String> args) {
// This will be executed on enter.
console.register(myCommand); // use unregister if you want to remove a command

A command with arguments and a detailed usage text

ConsoleCmd dostuff = new ConsoleCmd("dostuff", 0, "Do stuff with parameters", 1) { // 1 = minimal arguments
    public void showUsage() {
        showUsage("<required param> [optional param]"); // will print as: ""Usage: dostuff <required param> [optional param]"

    public void execute(List<String> args) {
        // This will only be called if at least minimal arguments have been entered.
        // Args.get(0) == command name
        String param1 = args.get(1);
        if (args.size() > 2) {
            String param2 = args.get(2);


If you want to support autocompletion for the first parameter, you'll need to override this method as well:

public void complete(String prefix, List<String> results) {
    // prefix contains the word to be completed.
    final String lowerPrefix = prefix.toLowerCase();
    for (String value: values) {
        if (value.toLowerCase().startsWith(lowerPrefix)) {

How to create a new CVar

CVar Types

There are different cvar types available:

  • CVarBool(String name, boolean defaultValue, int flags, String description)
    • Can be true or false
  • CVarInt(String name, int defaultValue, int min, int max, int flags, String description)
    • Can be any integer between min and max (inclusive)
  • CVarFloat(String name, float defaultValue, float min, float max, int flags, String description)
    • Can be any float between min and max (inclusive)
  • CVarEnum(String name, T defaultValue, Class<T> clazz, int flags, String description)
    • Can be any of the enums type.
  • CVarString(String name, String defaultValue, int flags, String description)
    • Can be anything that fits in a string.


  • name is the command you enter in the console
  • description is shown when using the help command.
  • clazz is the enum class (for example MyEnum.class)
  • flags can be ignored for now (pass 0)

Simple Example

CVarEnum<SoundEmitter.Mode> emitterMode = new CVarEnum("snd_mode", SoundEmitter.Mode.STEREO, SoundEmitter.Mode.class, 0, "sound mode");
console.register(emitterMode); // use unregister if you want to remove a cvar

// If you need to react to changes of the variable, add a listener:
emitterMode.addListener((CVar cvar)-> {
    SoundEmitter.setListenerPosition(x, y, z, emitterMode.get());

Extending this code

The Base-Code does not need the Ingame-Console, so you could easily write a different interface for it using System.out and or even a UI Library like Swing/JavaFX. This could be handy for dedicated servers.

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