Creating a new Project - GameDevWeek/CodeBase GitHub Wiki

This guide if for Managers that prepare a new GameDevWeek. You might also be interested in this, if you want to create a game based on the GDW code. If you are just a participant, this is not for you.

A new repository based on the CodeBase

  1. Create a new EMPTY repository in the GameDevWeek organization named like this: GDW-<year>-<SS or WS>.
  • Year is the starting year of the semester.
  • WS = WinterSemester, SS = SummerSemester.
  • Add an additional suffix if you have more projects.
  • Example: GDW-2015-SS
  • DO NOT initialize this with any content, readme, license, etc.
  1. Check out a clean copy of the CodeBase master branch.
  2. Change the URL of your checked out code to the new git repository (see below).
  3. Push the master branch to Github.
  4. You should now see the code in your repository.

How to change the URL of a Git Repository in SourceTree:

  1. Open the Menu-Entry repository->Repository Settings
  2. Edit the entry "origin"
  3. Change the URL to the new Git Repository.
  4. Click OK on both Windows to save it.

Adapt the CodeBase classpaths of the GDX-Test project accordingly

  1. Refactor the package de.hochschuletrier.gdw.ss14 to de.hochschuletrier.gdw.ss14<ss or ws><year> or similar.
  2. Open the pom.xml and change the entry for <mainClass> to match the new package path
  3. Build and run it to see if everything still works.
  4. Commit & Push your changes

Finish up

  1. Initialize Gitflow and create a develop branch.
  2. Commit & Push your changes
  3. Add participants as contributors to the project

Create a new Project for the Game once you have a working title for it

  1. Create a folder for the new game.. for example gdx-the-longest-yard
  2. Copy the contents of GDX-Test to this folder
  3. Open the copied pom.xml in this folder.
  4. change the <artifactId> and the <name> tag accordingly.
  5. Strip any code and resources from this project that is not needed anymore.
  6. Build and run it to see if everything still works.
  7. Commit & Push your changes
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