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Space Pirates

Those few, those brave, those suicidal who have cast away the shackles of their corporate overlords and chosen to live as Free Beings. It's a noble ideal and a dismal existence, scrabbling a life from jailbroken parts and the worlds too small and too barren to interest the Megas. Operate as a very uncollected collective, because total isolation is death and because united forces become a threat and go down in a blaze of thermonuclear oblivion, and the only glory in that is in the view from above.

"Space Pirates" certainly seems like an uncreative designation, but serves as a convenient descriptor for those who speak of them, as they keep changing their name and no one can keep track. Like: ‘The Collective Formerly Known as the Publishers but Now After Unnecessarily Lengthy Debate (Thank You iiia232343) Have Decided to Go By Tim’. They send out a newscast with the latest meeting minutes every week, but no one ever pays attention. Or else corporate spymasters pore over the missives, searching for the secrets that are surely hidden within, but no. It’s just the minutes from every single pointless committee meeting ever held.)

The Crash Test dummies

A super secret society of elite pilots performing incredibly reckless maneuvers for fun and profit.

Though it’s hard to keep your secret society secret when your badge is a literal crash test dummy stapled to your ship.

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