Text Spot XML; Element IlluminationSettings - GameBurrow/WriteTheSigns GitHub Wiki

Inside this element there are parameters for illuminate the text


Field Valid values Description
type see topic below Defines the type of illumination that will be applied to the text.
strength between 0.000 and 1.000 The strength of the illumination. Values above 0.500 will create a glow.
blinkType see topic below Defines if it will and how it will blink.
requiredFlags integer Flags required for turn on the light, if type is set to FLAGS
forbiddenFlags integer Flags that will forces the light goes off, if type is set to FLAGS

Attribute type values

Value Description
OPAQUE Will not have light effect (default)
DAYNIGHT Will follow the day/night cycle, only turning lights on at night
FLAGS Will use the requiredFlags and forbiddenFlags to check if the light shall be on
BRIGHT Lights always on

Attribute blinkType values

Value Description
None No blinking
Blink_050_050 Blinks each half second
MildFade_0125_0125 Mild fade the light
MediumFade_500_500 Medium fade the light
StrongBlaze_0125_0125 Provides neon-like effect
StrongFade_250_250 Strongly fade the light
Blink_025_025 Blinks each quarter second
Custom Will use the customBlinkParams element value to calculate the fade formula. See above.

Child Element customBlinkParams

Used if blinkType is set to Custom. There are 4 attributes: w x y z. The formula used by the game to calculate the blink isn't clear by now.

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