Text Spot XML; Element BackgroundMeshSettings - GameBurrow/WriteTheSigns GitHub Wiki

Use this to generate a background mesh for the text.


Field Valid values Description
color color RRGGBB The color of the background mesh
useFrame true
If true, creates a container frame for the text. Useful in vehicle models that don't have a proper spot for the line destination.

Child Element size

This is an Vector2 element with the attributes x and y. It will define the width (x) and height (y) of the background mesh - also be applied to frame, if it's in use.

Child Element frame

This element have properties to draw the text container box around the text's background mesh. It's valid only if useFrame is true.


Field Valid values Description
color color RRGGBB The color of the outside of the box. Ignored if inheritColor is true.
glassColor color RRGGBB The emissive color of the glass in front of the text.
inheritColor true
If true, get the current color from prop/vehicle to paint the outside of the box
specularLevel between 0.000 and 1.000 Set the specularity level of the box. Same rule from _s texture from asset creation
frontDepth positive decimal in format 0.000 The distance from the text position to the glass in front of it
glassTransparency between 0.000 and 1.000 Sets how transparent the glass will be. Values above 0.500 make the glass to generate shadow
glassSpecularLevel between 0.000 and 1.000 Set the specularity level of the glass. Same rule from _s texture from asset creation
backDepth positive decimal in format 0.000 Set the distance from the text to the back of the frame box.
frontBorderThickness positive decimal in format 0.000 Sets the border of the glass filled with the same material of other sides of the frame box.

Child Element backSize

This is an Vector2 element with the attributes x and y. This will set the size of the back of the box. A zero value in both will make the back of the box became a pyramid.

Child Element backOffset

This is an Vector2 element with the attributes x and y. It modifies the center of the box relative to center of the text, projected by the value of backDepth behind of the text itself. A zeroed value will make it to be aligned with the center of the text.

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