How to build - GameAnalytics/GA-SDK-JAVASCRIPT GitHub Wiki
You only need to read this page is your are interested in modifying and building the SDK from Typescript source. If you aren't you can skip this page.
- Node.js
- Gulp
Run the following command to install all devDependencies:
npm install
All source code (Typescript) is located in src and resulting distribution files from building are placed in dist.
To build run:
This will build GameAnalytics.d.ts (declaration file), GameAnalytics.debug.js (includes sourcemap, not uglified), GameAnalytics.js (logging included, uglified, around 60Kb in size) and GameAnalytics.min.js (no logging included, uglified, around 48Kb in size).
Alternatively you can just build one of the targets by running one of these commands:
gulp normal
gulp debug
gulp mini
gulp declaration
No logging included
If you want to build the mini-release without logging included to save on the build size you can add the --nologging argument:
gulp mini --nologging
To run the test, run:
gulp test