Installation - GameAnalytics/GA-SDK-C-SHARP GitHub Wiki

Mono / .Net 4.5

How to install

Using Nuget

  • Add GameAnalytics.Mono.SDK package from Nuget package manager
  • Nothing further needs to be done

Manual installation to local Nuget locally

  • Open GA-SDK-MONO.sln and compile the GA_SDK_MONO project
  • Create a Nuget package: nuget pack GA_SDK_MONO/GA_SDK_MONO.nuspec
  • Copy the resulting GameAnalytics.Mono.SDK.[VERSION].nupkg (where [VERSION] is the version specified in the .nuspec file) into for example C:\Nuget.Local (the name and location of the folder is up to you)
  • Add C:\Nuget.Local (or whatever you called the folder) to the Nuget package sources (and disable Official Nuget source)
  • Add GameAnalytics.Mono.SDK package from Nuget package manager

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)

How to install


  • SQLite for Universal Windows Platform (installed through Tools -> Extensions and Updates... -> Online -> Search for "SQLite for Universal Windows Platform")

Using Nuget

  • Add GameAnalytics.UWP.SDK package from Nuget package manager
  • Make sure you have installed the following Extension SDKs and added references to them in your project:
    • SQLite for Universal Windows Platform (>= 3.15.0)
    • Visual C++ 2015 Runtime for Universal Windows Platform Apps (>= 14.0)

Manual installation

  • Open GA-SDK-UWP.sln and compile the GA_SDK_UWP project
  • Create a Nuget package: nuget pack GA_SDK_UWP/GA_SDK_UWP.nuspec
  • Copy the resulting GameAnalytics.UWP.SDK.[VERSION].nupkg (where [VERSION] is the version specified in the .nuspec file) into for example C:\Nuget.Local (the name and location of the folder is up to you)
  • Add C:\Nuget.Local (or whatever you called the folder) to the Nuget package sources (and disable Official Nuget source)
  • Add GameAnalytics.UWP.SDK package from Nuget package manager

Universal Windows 8

How to install


  • SQLite for Windows Runtime (installed through Tools -> Extensions and Updates... -> Online -> Search for "SQLite for Windows Runtime")
  • SQLite for Windows Phone (installed through Tools -> Extensions and Updates... -> Online -> Search for "SQLite for Windows Phone")
  • SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1 (installed through Tools -> Extensions and Updates... -> Online -> Search for "SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1")

Using Nuget

  • Add GameAnalytics.WSA.SDK package from Nuget package manager
  • Nothing further needs to be done

Manual installation

  • Open GA-SDK-WSA.sln and compile the GA-SDK-WSA project
  • Create a Nuget package: nuget pack GA-SDK-WSA/GA-SDK-WSA.nuspec
  • Copy the resulting GameAnalytics.WSA.SDK.[VERSION].nupkg (where [VERSION] is the version specified in the .nuspec file) into for example C:\Nuget.Local (the name and location of the folder is up to you)
  • Add C:\Nuget.Local (or whatever you called the folder) to the Nuget package sources (and disable Official Nuget source)
  • Add GameAnalytics.WSA.SDK package from Nuget package manager