Lesson 2: Block Codes - GameAdventure/CrosStrap GitHub Wiki

Block Codes

Block codes aren't like blocking html, no. Block codes are simply content blocks you put html in. And yes it is kind of like "div" but it shows some meaning if you know what I mean and there are different kind of this element/tag so there is an entire lesson all on block codes. This will also include 2 other elements similar to block codes. You will learn a lot here the involves with the block codes.

Block Codes: Shapes(attr)

Description: Block codes has an Attribute called shapes that actually changes the shape of the content block. type 1 which is the # after the dash after the word rect/or eclipse which is the content type which means type 1 is a black block with a white border and type 2 is a white block and a black border.

<block shape="rect-1"><p>A rectangle block</p></block>
<block shape="rect-2"><p>A rectangle block</p></block>
<block shape="eclipse-1"><p>A circular block</p></block>
<block shape="eclipse-2"><p>A circular block</p></block>

Block Codes: Select(attr)

Description: The select attribute has 2 names and they are true and false. The select attribute specifies if the block element should be selectable. If it is true than it is selectable but if it is false than it isn't. The default is true. The # means 1 or 2 as well in the example.

<block select="false" shape="rect-#"><p>A rectangle block</p></block>
<block select="false" shape="eclipse-#"><p>A circular block</p></block>

Block Codes: Footer(tag)

Description: A footer tag is content on the bottom of the screen except it will always be at the bottom, well not always like I mean it won't show on your screen if you at the top. You can change the background color because the default is transparent. If you add two footer tags than the content will overlap.

   <p>Copyright (c) 20##-20## company, All Rights Reserved

Block Codes: Section(tag)

Description: A section is almost like a footer almost but it can be anywhere on the page. A section is almost like a content block except it goes across the screen. Same with the footer tag as well.

   <p>This is a section.</p>

And that is the end of lesson 2: Block codes. In the next lesson we will talk about advance codes.

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