Lesson 1: Basic Codes - GameAdventure/CrosStrap GitHub Wiki

Basic Codes

CrosStrap adds in new HTML element such as "cap" and "tip". CrosStrap version is 1.0 which means there are chances of bugs and glitches to some elements and that also means a few as well. So let us learn what CrosStrap adds in.

Basic Code: Cap(tag)

Description: A cap is text with just the default cursor on it, nothing that special.

<cap>Cap example (You will see example in html page.)</cap>

Basic Code: Tip(tag)

Description: A tip is basically a help bubble with a help cursor on it. You must have the [title] Attribute on it for it to make sense. Making a custom one soon hopefully.

<tip title="A help bubble">Help</tip>

Basic Code: Highlight(-hl-)(tag)

Description: The highlight(hl) tag it is highlighted text that a user cannot select highlight it. It is also an H and a L not an H and a 1 because the L-l and One-1 looks similar in some fonts.


That is all of the basic codes for CrosStrap. In lesson 2 we(I) will talk to you about Block codes A.K.A Content Blocks.

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