Development - Game4Freak/AdvancedZones GitHub Wiki

AdvancedZones Development

AdvancedZones is a advanced and more complex plugin than others. It gives you much more possibilities and freedom in doing what you want. You can create Zones in every possible shape and size. Each zone can be customized for itself.

Wiki is matching the plugin version:

Getting started

Put the AdvancedZones.dll in your lib folder and add it as library to the project.


There are 2 events right now.
onZoneEnter(UnturnedPlayer player, Zone zone, Vector3 lastPos)
onZoneLeave(UnturnedPlayer player, Zone zone, Vector3 lastPos)


You can use the function addCustomFlag(string flagName, int flagID, string flagDescription) to add your own flag.

You can get Parameters of a zone with Zone.getParameters().

You can get Zones with:
getPositionZones(Vector3 position)
getZoneByName(string zoneName)

You check if a player or something else is in a zone with:
playerInAZone(UnturnedPlayer player).
playerInZoneType(UnturnedPlayer player, string type) type is the flag
transformInZoneType(Transform transform, string type) type is the flag

More Information

For more information ask me on Discord --> Game4Freak#9591
or on Steam --> Game4Freak