Design Requirements for digital bidding - Gallery-Momiji/momiji-web GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

Introduction/Overview (INTRO)

  • This is for a silent bidding system using tablets. browser based for portability
  • All pieces for auction are listed in sql table merchandise
  • All pieces have a unique auction number (or Piece ID): letters AN, followed by 3 digits (ArtistId), followed by a dash, followed by three other digits (MerchId). E.g. AN001-023.
  • All pieces have a minimum bid (MerchMinBid)
  • All bidders are listed in sql table bidders
  • All bidders have a unique number (bidderno)
  • When a certain number of bids are hit (AuctionCutoff from options table), the piece is marked for inclusion in the live auction on Sunday
  • Making a bid requires a piece number, a bidder number, a bidder name (used for redundancy/manual verification checks), and a bid in whole dollars

General information about SQL database tables can be found here:

UX Requirements (UXREQ)

bidding/index.php (UXREQ#1)

Optional parameters: error

  1. If parameter error=1 is provided, show INFO#1
  2. List all items available for bidding using ouput of GENQY#1
  3. If AuctionEnd = 1, show INFO#8
  4. Entries will be listed as "ANXXX-YYY - TITLE", where XXX is a 3 digit ArtistID (zero padded), YYY is a 3 digit MerchID (zero padded), and TITLE is MerchTitle
  5. Provide filter/search for faster selection
  6. For each item, show a select button to confirm selection and redirect to item.php?artistid=AID&merchid=MID, where AID is the ArtistID and MID is the MerchID from the user selection.

bidding/item.php (UXREQ#2)

Required parameters: artistid, merchid

Optional parameters: success, error

  1. If the required parameters are missing, redirect to index.php?error=1
  2. Show the piece auction number (ANXXX-YYY, see INTRO), MerchTitle and MerchMedium using output of GENQY#2
  3. Show list of bids using the ing output of GENQY#6
  4. If GENQY#2 fails, redirect to index.php?error=1
  5. If parameter error=1 is provided, show INFO#2
  6. If parameter error=2 is provided, show INFO#3
  7. If parameter error=3 is provided, show INFO#4
  8. If parameter error=4 is provided, show INFO#9
  9. If parameter success=1 is provided, show INFO#5
  10. Show input fields for submitting, including name, bidder number, bid amount (default bid amount is current bid + 1, or MerchMinBid if there are no bids)
  11. Add back button to redirect to index.php
  12. Add submit button to redirect to submit.php?artistid=AID&merchid=MID, where AID is artistid parameter and MID is the merchid parameter, values of the input fields should also be passed over to submit.php, see BidderReg implement for implementation details.
  13. Submit button has the following requirements:
  • All input must be populated prior to submission
  • Bid amount must be a whole positive non-zero number, i.e. regex: [1-9][0-9]*
  • Bid amount must be larger than last bid
  1. If MerchSold = 1, hid all bidding input and the submit button and show INFO#6
  2. If the bid count is equal or greater than AuctionCutoff, hide all bidding input and the submit button and show INFO#7
  3. If AuctionEnd = 1, hide all bidding input and the submit button and show INFO#8
  4. If multiple scenarios occur, all applicable informational messages will be displayed at the same time

bidding/submit.php (UXREQ#3)

Required parameters: artistid, merchid Input values: bidddernumber, biddername, bidvalue

  1. If artistid, merchid parameters are missing, redirect to index.php?error=1
  2. If bidddernumber, biddername, bidvalue parameters are missing, redirect to item.php?error=1&artistid=AID&merchid=MID where AID is artistid parameter and MID is the merchid parameter
  3. Don't accept negative or invalid bids: if bidvalue is not a positive integer, redirect to item.php?error=1&artistid=AID&merchid=MID where AID is artistid parameter and MID is the merchid parameter
  4. Make sure bidder number is valid and is assigned: if GENQY#4 fails or does not return any values, redirect to item.php?error=2&artistid=AID&merchid=MID where AID is artistid parameter and MID is the merchid parameter
  5. Check if bid is valid: if GENQY#3 fails or does not return any values, redirect to item.php?error=1&artistid=AID&merchid=MID where AID is artistid parameter and MID is the merchid parameter
  6. Make sure piece is not sold/auction is over: if AuctionEnd = 1 OR MerchSold = 1 from GENQY#3, redirect to item.php?error=1&artistid=AID&merchid=MID where AID is artistid parameter and MID is the merchid parameter
  7. Check if they were quickly outbid: if currentbid from GENQY#3 output is more than or equal to bidvalue, redirect to item.php?error=3&artistid=AID&merchid=MID where AID is artistid parameter and MID is the merchid parameter
  8. Check if going to live auction: if bidcount from GENQY#3 output is more than or equal to AuctionCutoff from GENQY#3 output, redirect to item.php?error=1&artistid=AID&merchid=MID where AID is artistid parameter and MID is the merchid parameter
  9. Do not allow bidder to bid twice in a row: if bidderno from GENQY#7 matches bidddernumber, redirect to item.php?error=4&artistid=AID&merchid=MID where AID is artistid parameter and MID is the merchid parameter
  10. Submit Bit, check if it failed: if GENQY#5 fails, redirect to item.php?error=3&artistid=AID&merchid=MID where AID is artistid parameter and MID is the merchid parameter
  11. Else-wise bid is successful: redirect to item.php?success=1&artistid=AID&merchid=MID where AID is artistid parameter and MID is the merchid parameter

General Queries (GENQY)

Items available for bidding (GENQY#1)

SELECT `ArtistID`,`MerchID`,`MerchTitle`,`AuctionEnd` FROM `merchandise` CROSS JOIN `options` WHERE `MerchMinBid` > 0 ORDER BY `ArtistID`,`MerchID`;

Item information for bidding (GENQY#2)

Replace $artistid with the ArtistId

Replace $merchid with the MerchId

SELECT `ArtistID`,`MerchID`,`MerchTitle`,`MerchMinBid`,`MerchQuickSale`,`MerchMedium`,`MerchSold`,`AuctionEnd`,`AuctionCutoff` FROM `merchandise` CROSS JOIN `options` WHERE `MerchMinBid` > 0 AND `ArtistID` = $artistid AND `MerchID` = $merchid;

Check if bid is valid (GENQY#3)

Replace $artistid with the ArtistId

Replace $merchid with the MerchId

Replace $bidvalue with the bid value

SELECT `MerchSold`,MAX(`value`) AS `currentbid`,COUNT(`value`) AS `bidcount`,`AuctionEnd`,`AuctionCutoff` FROM `merchandise` LEFT JOIN `bids` USING (`ArtistID`,`MerchID`) CROSS JOIN `options` WHERE `ArtistID` = $artistid AND `MerchID` = $merchid AND `MerchMinBid` BETWEEN 1 AND $bidvalue GROUP BY `ArtistID`,`MerchID`;

Check if bidder exists (GENQY#4)

Replace $biddernumber with the bidder number

SELECT `bidderno` FROM `bidders` WHERE `bidderno` = $biddernumber;

Submit bid (GENQY#5)

Replace $name with the bidder name

Replace $biddernumber with the bidder number

Replace $artistid with the ArtistId

Replace $merchid with the MerchId

Replace $bidvalue with the bid value

INSERT INTO `bids` (`name`, `value`, `bidderno`, `ArtistID`, `MerchID`) VALUES ( $name, $bidvalue, $biddernumber, $artistid, $merchid );

Check bids for merch (GENQY#6)

Replace $artistid with the ArtistId

Replace $merchid with the MerchId

SELECT `name`,`value` FROM `bids` WHERE `ArtistID` = $artistid AND `MerchID` = $merchid ORDER BY `value`;

Check the Last bidder for merch (GENQY#7)

Replace $artistid with the ArtistId

Replace $merchid with the MerchId

SELECT `bidderno` FROM `bids` WHERE `ArtistID` = $artistid AND `MerchID` = $merchid ORDER BY `value` DESC LIMIT 1;

Info Output (INFO)

Failed to show item (INFO#1)

Unable to show selected item, please try again.

Invalid submission (INFO#2)

Unable to submit bid, please try again.

Invalid bidder (INFO#3)

The bidder number you provided was not found. If you have not registered yet, please contact a staff member.

Failed submission (INFO#4)

Oops, looks like you might have been out bid!

Successful submission (INFO#5)

Your bid has been submitted! Good luck!

Piece has been sold (INFO#6)

This piece has already been sold!

Piece is going to auction (INFO#7)

This piece is going to live auction! Ask the staff for when the, live auction will happen.

Auction is over (INFO#8)

Sorry! The auction is now closed!

Bidder bid twice in a row (INFO#9)

Sorry! The auction is now closed!