Eve - Galileo88/JNSQ GitHub Wiki



Eve is an exceptionally purple planet, presumably possessing just enough of a rare substance to tint its oceans and horizons, like how one drop of any additive can remarkably change the flavor of a mug of juice. Fortunately, nobody has made the claim...yet, that Eve is full of grape juice.


Eve is a monster of a planet in the original stock system; its oceans are purported to consist of propellant, and it is known to possess several ocean biomes. Nearly all of JNSQ Eve's ocean biomes (12, out of the current grand total of 20) were named in honor of mod makers or their mods which use mythical monsters in their names. The selection largely consists of the Godzilla mythos' many kaijuu, used by the rocket families in Damonvv's Tundra Exploration.

JNSQ Eve is more challenging than GPP's Tellumo.


Rational Resources Classification:

Ocean Surface Atmosphere Exosphere
Kerosene* Custom Default* None

*Default (CO2/N2) atmosphere template contains an exosphere template.
*Kerosene ocean requires optional patch: RR_EveLiquidFuelOcean.cfg


From the PDF included in the download:

Bulk Params Orbital and Rotational Params
Classification Planet, Terestrial Semi-major Axis 27,131,000 km
Radius 2,050 km sea level, 2,052.0 km mean Perihelion 26,859,690 km
Mass 8.64500×1023 kg Aphelion 27,402,310 km
Gravitational Parameter 5.76974×1013 m3/s2 Orbit eccentricity 0.01
Mean density 23,890 kg/m3 Orbit inclination 2.1°
Surface gravity 1.4 g ASL Longitude of ascending node 15°
Escape velocity 7,503 m/s Argument of periapsis 45°
Bond Albedo 0.45 Sidereal orbit period 224.39 days
Solar irradiance 2,602 W/m2 Synodic period 582.46 days
Black-body temperature 282 K Mean orbital velocity 17,586 m/s
Natural satellites Gilly Sidereal rotation period 22.5 hours
Solar day 22.690 hours
Synchronous orbit altitude 19,195 km
Sphere of influence 233,567 km
Overall height 60 km
Pressure 10 atm sea level, 1 atm @ 10.6 km
Mean temperature 410 K sea level
Mean molecular weight 40.8 g/mol
Composition 80% CO2, 20% N2
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