Asteroids - Galileo88/JNSQ GitHub Wiki

JNSQ is just one of a few planet packs that employ the effect of making asteroids larger and denser (yielding more Ore and consequently making them far harder to move). They are configured to be up to 8x larger and 3.3x more dense than stock. Just like in real life we're not expected to be able to move an asteroid with the limited technology we have.

The real reason that JNSQ makes them bigger is to make them more attractive as long-lasting, permanent outposts, and to make way for any attempt at using one to make an extremely large, traveling base, though such things will require fantasy sci-fi propulsion technology.

Mk3 ship for scale --> stock E class asteroid --> JNSQ E class asteroid. Mk3 ship for scale

Their resource compositions are not altered in any way by JNSQ, but they are reordered to form into the following belts:

  • The inner/main belt which encompasses the orbits of Edna and Dres and contains the Kerbin flyby asteroids.
  • Jool Outer Moons.
  • Lindor Outer Moons.
  • Trans-Lindorian Objects/ Kuiper Kerman's Belt. This should encompass the orbits of Hamek and Eeloo.
  • There is no Dresteroid belt.