Lab 02: ADDS - Galen-Dively/SYS250-02-Journal GitHub Wiki
This lab covers setting up Active Directory and DNS. The DNS is configured to fw02 and wk01. Before setting up ADDS on ad01, the computer must be configured with network settings, a new hostname, and a user account. With all that done I installed ADDS and the DNS manager creating my galen.local domain. With the local domain added I can now setup the DNS, creating a reverse lookup and forward lookup for fw02. After testing the connection with DNS, the next step is to add a user admin and non-privileged user to the domain. This is done by navigating to the Active Directory Computer And Users tab. After creating the new users I added the admin to the "Domain Administrators" group giving admin permission. The next step is to add wk01 to the domain. This is by done by editing the domain in system properties. With the domain added galen.local and logging in with the admin account the computer was added to the domain. Now the computer will use the domain logins we setup earlier.